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Delivery of services in the healthcare system is heavily impacted by health policy.
On the other hand, it is motivated by the necessity of giving patients access to safe and
efficient services. A healthcare policy is the set of rules, regulations, and procedures put in
place by a government or other organization to ensure that the desired outcomes in the field
of healthcare are realized within a given society for the good of its citizens. Healthcare
policies articulate a desired future state, which can be utilized to develop goals and
benchmarks. (Dobrow et al., 2006).
Selected healthcare Policy – The Rural Healthcare Policy
The formulation of new policies within the framework of the healthcare system is
typically unavoidable, and their development is motivated by the need to provide services
that are reliable, effective, and of a high standard. Himmelfarb et al., 2016 has stated that it
establishes a basic plan of action that can be used to direct desired objectives and act as a
framework for making critical decisions regarding healthcare(Himmelfarb et al., 2016).
Policymakers in this space grappled with how to improve access to healthcare for
those living in rural areas and what kinds of medical interventions should be prioritized.
Further, the policy discusses choosing between reimbursement models for rural healthcare
facilities, keeping them operational, and providing much-needed services to residents. The
rural healthcare policy is similarly concerned with the accessibility and availability of these
medical services. One consideration that led to the formulation of this policy was the
widespread and severe lack of qualified medical professionals, especially in rural
areas(Hartley, 2004).
The Impact of Rural Healthcare Policy
This program aims to improve people’s quality of life by facilitating more accessible
access to federally funded healthcare by relocating medical institutions closer to the
population. Not everyone in the is covered by health insurance; thus, they must rely on the
government’s low-cost services. Those who have health insurance are more likely to receive
timely care than those who are financially unable to do so. In addition to fixing the time
problem, this strategy also solves the one with the distance. Several recent incidents involve
people whose health deteriorated because they could not reach a hospital in time. As a result
of the high mortality rate, the government decided to move hospitals and doctors’ offices
closer to the people. Inadequate health education in recent years, concerns over personal
privacy, and the accompanying social stigma in the absence of a change in visibility are also
possible motivating factors in creating this legislation. People’s disregard for their low health
literacy is related(Dolea, 2009).
Most people are concerned with their appearance and health; thus, healthcare policy
in rural areas benefits everyone. Numerous studies in the past on this topic have paved the
way for the creation of this regulation. According to research by(Hajizadeh et al., 2021), twothirds of the rural hospitals they examined employed more than one clinician. Because of
this, the rural health care policy is a good idea, helping many people in rural areas improve
their living standard even though they cannot afford more expensive medical treatment.
Therefore, providing healthcare to those living in rural areas was a good concept, as
evidenced by the study’s findings. Because of the large number of people living in rural areas
who require medical treatment but cannot afford it, this study’s findings dramatically
increased the visibility and quality of these healthcare facilities(Hajizadeh et al., 2021).
Cost-Effectiveness of Rural Healthcare Policy
Many aspects of society are affected by the rural health strategy. For starters, this
approach has made necessary medical resources more accessible to those with the greatest
need. As a result, residents in rural areas can now afford to receive better medical treatment,
which has raised their standard of living. The rural health program prioritized those with
fewer resources, creating a middle ground between the two extremes. A thriving economy
should have relatively little difference between the richest and the poorest. To sum up, a fastgrowing nation needs a strategy that can reduce this disparity, and this one is the best bet.
The qualified workforce in these remote locations is another group of stakeholders impacted
by this strategy. When the program was finally implemented, it provided a means through
which many people might find gainful employment and, in turn, make a living in the country.
These goals were included in the agendas that significantly influenced this health policy’s
path(Hummel-Rossi & Ashdown, 2002).
The rural health policy is a method of bringing healthcare to undeserved areas. As a
result, it favors other health policies, which are also very important. The rural health strategy
is similar to others because they all have the same overarching goal: to provide the best
possible services to the public. It’s a policy that improves healthcare service delivery. For
instance, health insurance is a policy designed to cover everyone so that any unwelcome
surprises may be handled smoothly. The rural health policy protects those who reside in rural
areas, as shown by an objective examination of the issue. Because of this strategy, people no
longer have to travel as far to medical facilities, significantly lowering the possibility of harm.
Since the rural health policy increases the usefulness and effectiveness of the other health
policies, it is reasonable to argue that it serves as a motivation(Dolea, 2009).
Ethical and moral concerns specific to rural healthcare settings must also be
investigated. In cases where patients are offered a therapeutic cure that goes against their
morals regarding their culture, issues like people’s cultural values may influence how
healthcare professionals determine the origin of illnesses and the attitudes given to
caregivers. Other moral and ethical concerns include the need for privacy, the scarcity of
medical supplies, and the inability to provide adequate treatment. Patient’s inability to pay
for medical services is one reason for the widespread poverty in rural areas(Hartley, 2004).
Many other nations look up to this approach as an example of how to better serve their rural
populations with medical care, particularly for the developing countries of Africa(HummelRossi & Ashdown, 2002).
A large part of the success of the healthcare system can be attributed to the
establishment of policies that ensure patients receive effective and safe care. However,
policymakers as well as healthcare workers need to do their part in constructing practical and
helpful health policies by contributing to the formulation and lobbying for the development
of policies that favorably influence patient outcomes. They should also coordinate with
relevant parties to create policies where none exist and update inefficient ones. Furthermore,
encouraging healthcare workers to participate can be accomplished by providing the
appropriate training to enhance individual competence(Turale & Kunaviktikul, 2019).
Dobrow, M. J., Goel, V., Lemieux-Charles, L., & Black, N. A. (2006). The impact of
context on evidence utilization: A framework for expert groups developing health
policy recommendations. Social Science and Medicine, 63(7), 1811–1824.
Dolea, C. (2009). Increasing access to health workers in remote and rural areas through
improved retention. World Health Organization, February, 2–4.
Hajizadeh, A., Zamanzadeh, V., Kakemam, E., Bahreini, R., & Khodayari-Zarnaq, R.
(2021). Factors influencing nurses participation in the health policy-making process: a
systematic review. BMC Nursing, 20(1), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-02100648-6
Hartley, D. (2004). Rural health disparities, population health, and rural culture. American
Journal of Public Health, 94(10), 1675–1678.
Himmelfarb, C. R. D., Commodore-Mensah, Y., & Hill, M. N. (2016). Expanding the Role
of Nurses to Improve Hypertension Care and Control Globally. Annals of Global
Health, 82(2), 243–253. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aogh.2016.02.003
Hummel-Rossi, B., & Ashdown, J. (2002). The state of cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness
analyses in education. Review of Educational Research, 72(1), 1–30.
Turale, S., & Kunaviktikul, W. (2019). The contribution of nurses to health policy and
advocacy requires leaders to provide training and mentorship. International Nursing
Review, 66(3), 302–304. https://doi.org/10.1111/inr.12550
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In healthcare organizations, patient data protection is an emerging issue.
Employees working in health organizations are recommended to keep patient data as
secretive and secure as possible. Healthcare organizations have integrated electronic
device technologies, enabling doctors and nurses to work remotely. Mobile electronic
devices are integrated with security software, preventing hackers from accessing the data
in the system. Data privacy software aid healthcare organizations in protecting and
securing patient data in an organization (She et al., 2020). The study will emphasize the
implication of information technology and data security in the short-run, long-term, and
intermediate in an organization and patient recommendations.
In the short run, healthcare providers oppose data security procedures and
protocols. In contrast, the patient rejoices for the new measure, which protects a patient’s
personal information from third parties. At the intermediate level, healthcare providers
accept the implementation of data securities. Incorporating data security in-hospital
procedures and systems compels hospital attendants to put more effort into implementing
the data security procedures and policies according to Health and Human Service (HHS)
requirements and HIPAA regulations. In the long-run, healthcare providers comply with
data security policies and procedures (Gaia et al., 2018) Those healthcare facilities which
have not adhered to data security protocols and systems are fined $1.5 million for every
incident of breaching data security.
Data security and information technology have transformed healthcare
organizations in data recording, retrieval, electronic database storage, and accessibility of
medical records. The changes have been attributed to mobile data management policies.
The implementation of mobile data management policies has been expensive. The
healthcare facility is working on minimizing the costs incurred in installing artificial
intelligence software which protects data. The management is working on accessing
inexpensive mobile devices where systems are installed to protect data.
Gaia, J., Wang, X., Basile, J., Sanders, G. L., & Murray, D. (2018). A Study of Factors in
HIPAA Non Complaint Behavior.
Seh, A. H., Zarour, M., Alenezi, M., Sarkar, A. K., Agrawal, A., Kumar, R., & Ahmad Khan, R.
(2020, June). Healthcare data breaches: insights and implications. In Healthcare (Vol. 8,
No. 2, p. 133). Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.
These post replies need to be substantial and constructive in nature. They should add to the content
of the post and evaluate/analyze that post answer. including one scholarly peer-reviewed reference.
Minimum 100 words.
The value of accreditation to an organization.
Healthcare organizations can demonstrate their commitment to quality care by
participating in accreditation programs that assess how well they measure up to industry norms.
The quality of healthcare institutions as real benefits significantly from the implementation of
accrediting programs. An excellent example of an organization concerned with healthcare
accreditation to guarantee the quality, patient care, and safety is Joint Commission
International(Alkhenizan & Shaw, 2011). As a healthcare specialist at my healthcare center, I
will develop and implement numerous stages and processes in preparation for the first joint
commission international accreditation visit.
Steps and processes over a one-year period in preparation.
1. Develop goals and action plans
Accreditation criteria established by the Joint Commission International (JCI) strongly
emphasize quality and performance enhancement. Therefore, establishing important goals and
action plans connected to the quality improvement process will be a part of the preparations
for quality accreditation(Bogh et al., 2018). Establishing goals, determining feasible tactics,
selecting specific interventions to be implemented, and developing an action plan are all
components of the plans that will be developed(Al Tehewy et al., 2009).
1. Select Measures to Monitor Progress
After the goals have been established, it will be necessary to identify the performance
measures that will be used to evaluate whether or not the action plan that has been prepared
will improve the overall quality. The aims of the healthcare facility as a whole, which are
geared toward quality improvement, will be linked to the metrics. Choosing appropriate
measurements in light of the organization’s objectives will be one of the steps
involved(Brubakk et al., 2015).
1. Test Actions on a Small Scale
If the action plan is evaluated on a more modest scale, it will aid in refining
the preparation plan, which will add to the actual action(Al Tehewy et al., 2009).
1. Implement Solutions and Evaluating Results
The final step is to adopt the action plan that will be utilized to improve quality in the
healthcare facility in accordance with the JCI accreditation requirements. Departments, for
instance, can take the quality-improvement measures that lead to a facility-wide evaluation of
quality-of-care practices(Brubakk et al., 2015).
Key personnel in the risk prevention procedures
To get ready for the JCI’s quality assessment, the entire quality improvement team will
be working together, led by clinical leadership, who will have the power to try out and
ultimately adopt any changes that are deemed successful(Tabrizi & Gharibi, 2019). The
technical expert team is also essential because of the invaluable insights they will provide
regarding quality enhancement(Brubakk et al., 2015).
Al Tehewy, M., Salem, B., Habil, I., & El Okda, S. (2009). Evaluation of accreditation
program in non-governmental organizations’ health units in Egypt: Short-term
outcomes. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 21(3), 183–189.
Alkhenizan, A., & Shaw, C. (2011). Impact of accreditation on the quality of healthcare
services: A systematic review of the literature. Annals of Saudi Medicine, 31(4), 407–
416. https://doi.org/10.4103/0256-4947.83204
Bogh, S. B., Blom, A., Raben, D. C., Braithwaite, J., Thude, B., Hollnagel, E., & Plessen, C.
von. (2018). Hospital accreditation: staff experiences and perceptions. International
Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 31(5), 420–427.
Brubakk, K., Vist, G. E., Bukholm, G., Barach, P., & Tjomsland, O. (2015). A systematic
review of hospital accreditation: The challenges of measuring complex intervention
effects. BMC Health Services Research, 15(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-0150933-x
Tabrizi, J. S., & Gharibi, F. (2019). Primary healthcare accreditation standards: a systematic
review. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 32(2), 310–320.
These post replies need to be substantial and constructive in nature. They should add to the content
of the post and evaluate/analyze that post answer. including one scholarly peer-reviewed reference.
Minimum 100 words.
The value of accreditation to an organization.
Healthcare organizations can demonstrate their commitment to quality care by
participating in accreditation programs that assess how well they measure up to industry norms.
The quality of healthcare institutions as real benefits significantly from the implementation of
accrediting programs. An excellent example of an organization concerned with healthcare
accreditation to guarantee the quality, patient care, and safety is Joint Commission
International(Alkhenizan & Shaw, 2011). As a healthcare specialist at my healthcare center, I
will develop and implement numerous stages and processes in preparation for the first joint
commission international accreditation visit.
Steps and processes over a one-year period in preparation.
Develop goals and action plans .1
Accreditation criteria established by the Joint Commission International (JCI) strongly
emphasize quality and performance enhancement. Therefore, establishing important goals and
action plans connected to the quality improvement process will be a part of the preparations
for quality accreditation(Bogh et al., 2018). Establishing goals, determining feasible tactics,
selecting specific interventions to be implemented, and developing an action plan are all
components of the plans that will be developed(Al Tehewy et al., 2009).
Select Measures to Monitor Progress .1
After the goals have been established, it will be necessary to identify the performance
measures that will be used to evaluate whether or not the action plan that has been prepared
will improve the overall quality. The aims of the healthcare facility as a whole, which are
geared toward quality improvement, will be linked to the metrics. Choosing appropriate
measurements in light of the organization’s objectives will be one of the steps
involved(Brubakk et al., 2015).
Test Actions on a Small Scale .1
If the action plan is evaluated on a more modest scale, it will aid in refining
the preparation plan, which will add to the actual action(Al Tehewy et al., 2009).
Implement Solutions and Evaluating Results .1
The final step is to adopt the action plan that will be utilized to improve quality in the
healthcare facility in accordance with the JCI accreditation requirements. Departments, for
instance, can take the quality-improvement measures that lead to a facility-wide evaluation of
quality-of-care practices(Brubakk et al., 2015).
Key personnel in the risk prevention procedures
To get ready for the JCI’s quality assessment, the entire quality improvement team will
be working together, led by clinical leadership, who will have the power to try out and
ultimately adopt any changes that are deemed successful(Tabrizi & Gharibi, 2019). The
technical expert team is also essential because of the invaluable insights they will provide
regarding quality enhancement(Brubakk et al., 2015).
Al Tehewy, M., Salem, B., Habil, I., & El Okda, S. (2009). Evaluation of accreditation
program in non-governmental organizations’ health units in Egypt: Short-term
outcomes. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 21(3), 183–189.
Alkhenizan, A., & Shaw, C. (2011). Impact of accreditation on the quality of healthcare
services: A systematic review of the literature. Annals of Saudi Medicine, 31(4), 407–
416. https://doi.org/10.4103/0256-4947.83204
Bogh, S. B., Blom, A., Raben, D. C., Braithwaite, J., Thude, B., Hollnagel, E., & Plessen, C.
von. (2018). Hospital accreditation: staff experiences and perceptions. International
Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 31(5), 420–427.
Brubakk, K., Vist, G. E., Bukholm, G., Barach, P., & Tjomsland, O. (2015). A systematic
review of hospital accreditation: The challenges of measuring complex intervention
effects. BMC Health Services Research, 15(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-0150933-x
Tabrizi, J. S., & Gharibi, F. (2019). Primary healthcare accreditation standards: a systematic
review. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 32(2), 310–320.

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