8-10 page report with references

Final Paper

There are two options for this paper, pick one.

Cyber Terrorism (option 1)

Chose a terrorist organization listed below and write an 8-10 page report with references, (use

APA formatting style) that profiles how the terrorist organization has used the internet to further

their agenda and promote their ideology. If the terrorist organization has used the internet to

conducted cyber terrorism provide a review of such attacks and the ramifications of the attack.

The paper should not only be a history of activities by the terrorism organization. Rather, you

should include insight into how these activities effect the larger topic of cyber security, and what

you see looking forward such as possible attacks and how the organization will adapt their use of

technology. Don’t be afraid to make bold predictions but be sure you support your predictions.

If you would like to write about an organization not listed below, please email your suggestion

for prior approval.

Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)

Al Qaeda

Boko Haram

Ansar al-Shari’a

Haqqani Network

Irish Republican Army


Aryan Nations

Black Liberation Army

Earth Liberation Front (ELF)

Animal Liberation Front (ALF)

Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia


Palestine Liberation Front (PLF)



Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (Tamil




Abu Sayyaf Group

Syrian Electronic Army

Cyber Espionage and Information Warfare (option 2)

Chose a country listed below and research the country’s history and use of information warfare

and cyber espionage. Write an 8-10 page report with references, (use APA formatting style) that

provides a history of the country’s cyber espionage and/or information warfare, and discusses the

motivation behind the acts. The paper should not only be a history of activities by the country.

Rather, you should include insight into how these activities effect the larger topic of cyber

security, and what you see looking forward such as possible attacks and how the country will

adapt their use of technology. Don’t be afraid to make bold predictions but be sure you support

your predictions. Conclude the report with an assessment of future activity and possible targets

for the country’s future cyber espionage and information warfare activities. If you would like to

write about a country not listed below, please email your suggestion for prior approval.

United States China Russia

Iran Israel North Korea

Vietnam Pakistan Syria

Georgia Estonia Ukraine

France United Kingdom Germany

Brazil Australia Japan



*An excellent resource for Nation State Activity is Fireye’s Advanced Persistent Threat Groups



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