UMGC Writing and Communication Reflection Essay

You will analyze your coursework in an essay of at least 1,500 words that focuses on your personal and professional growth from the content and context of the knowledge that you have gained from your Communication Studies courses.

The Reflective Essay must expand upon how the coursework samples contributed to your insights about communication, both personally and professionally. You might also choose to explore how your work in Communication Studies has helped you to better understand your work environment, your family environment, society in general, or world events. If you like, you might inform your essay with a particular theory or framework from your studies, but your focus should be on your personal growth. What have you learned/how have you changed that makes you valuable to a potential employer.

Since becoming a Communications major I have learned the importance of customer service. I have been working in customer service since I was 16, but I never understood the importance of and my contribution to customer service until I became a Communications major.

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