Select a well-known company in the Fortune 500. Using publicly available information, put together an analysis of the CEO who runs that organization. What are his or her strategic tendencies?

Select a well-known company in the Fortune 500. Using publicly available information, put together an analysis of the CEO who runs that organization. What are his or her strategic tendencies? How might he or she react to an encroachment by a competitor? Has this CEO been consistent in his or her behavior? Also, create a strategic map with as many aspects examined as you can locate. Your paper must be in APA format. A sample APA packet is located under the Get Started tab. If you need help with APA format or writing a master level paper, please contact the Writing Studio. You must include a minimum of 6 peer reviewed references. Your paper must be no less than 8 pages long (your cover page and reference page are not included in these 8 pages). 85% of your references must be no older that 5 years old.

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