conference writing

Cybercrime Technology (Week 4 assignment topic).

Day 4 of the Conference (represented by Week 4 of the assignment):

In Week 4, you will be provided with 4 topics involving cybercrime technology. Like in a criminal justice professional conference seminar, you will pick the lectures that you wish to attend. You will select 1 of the 4 topics for the lecture that you will be attending. (Note: Do not select the same topic you selected for your Discussion Board assignment)

Selecting 1 of the 4 topics, you will be required to submit a 600–850 word minimum for your Individual Project After Action White Paper. Please format your references in the APA Manual format and make sure that you cite each reference at least one time in the text of your paper in proper APA Manual citation format. The word count for your paper will not include the references or the title page.

  • You are encouraged to do research on the topic from other sources you find.
  • The paper should encapsulate what you learned to provide your agency members (classmates) and the command staff on what you would like to bring back to enhance how the agency functions.
  • You will comment on the data and identify the strengths and weaknesses you saw when attending the seminar (reading the reference paper).
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