ASU Issues Related to Youth and Sports in North Carolina Case Study

The text discusses the setting of objectives in Chapter 6. For this assignment,you will design a campaign to address issue or opportunity you have researched
and identified in the area of Youth and Sports. This assignment is designed to
build off Assignment #3 where you were asked to come up with
recommendations as to what should be done to support and address the subject
of Youth and Sports. Now, you will design the communication campaign to
support what you recommended in Assignment #3. For this campaign, you will
need to identify and describe a target audience, write a communication plan that
identifies the goals and objectives for the campaign, as well as describes the
tactics you would use. You will also write a press release supporting the
campaign. Chapter 14 discusses the basics of a press release, and other
standard public relations tactics for communicating with the media. In order to
create the communication plan, you will follow these steps:
1. Briefly recap your recommendations from Assignment #3. What should
we do about your topic? Think about addressing the topic in a localized
area (i.e., Charlotte Metro Area, Western North Carolina, WCU, etc.).
2. Identify your target audiences
■ You will have more than one target audience. Remember,
you need to think about all of the various types of people
that are somehow related to Youth and Sports, particularly
on the issues you have identified. You will identify the
audiences that are key to your overall goal of getting the
word out about information related to Youth and Sports. As
we discussed in class, “young people” is too general an
audience. What groups of young people? Also, there are
parents, coaches, fans, etc. What groups of these are
important to talk to about Youth and Sports?
■ Tell me why the target audiences you have chosen are
important to communicate with regarding your topic.
■ You should have at least three different target audiences.
3. Write your Goal for each target audience
■ When you write your goals, they should answer the
question: What do you want to tell this particular audience?
■ For each goal, identify which of the following it addresses by
being able to answer these questions:
1. Reputation – By telling this audience about your
topic, does it help the audience think of your
organization as having a good reputation or
image? Why?
2. Relationship – By telling this audience about your
topic, does it help strengthen the relationship
between your organization and the audience and
the community they are a part of? How?
3. Task – By telling this audience about your topic,
does it ask them to do something? What do they
need to do?
■ You may or may not have goals that
you can identify as Reputation,
Relationship, and Task goals, but your
goals should support at least one of
these areas.
4. Write your Communication Objectives for each audience
■ When you write an objective, it should answer the question,
What do you want your audience to know, believe, or do
once you have communicated with them?
■ For each objective, identify which of the following it
1. Awareness – For example, Does your audience
not know about the problem you have identified
and you need them to know it is a problem?
2. Acceptance – Does your audience know about
your topic, but you need them to believe it is an
issue in your localized area? Do you need them to
believe it is a bigger problem than they would
have otherwise thought?
3. Action – What specifically do you want your
audience to do? Attend an event or workshop?
Donate time, money? Volunteer at something?
Start a petition drive?
5. Identify and describe the Tactics you will do in order to accomplish the
objectives you have identified. Tactics are the specific things you
propose to do and/or produce as part of this communication effort.
■ For example, if your plan is to make your audience believe
bullying is a pervasive issue in youth sports leagues, how
are you going to get that message out to your target
audience? How often? In what form?
■ If you’re going to organize some type of event, like a
workshop, how are you going to tell people about it? How
are you going to recruit volunteers to help with the effort?
■ Think about ways to get the message out to your target
audiences. Are you going to use media such as
newspapers, websites, radio stations? If you are focusing in
Western North Carolina, would the Sylva Herald make
sense? What other media will you use? What other ways
would you get the message to your target audience? If
you’re going to use websites and social media, how are you
going to get people to visit those sites?
6. Press Release
■ Chapter 14 talks about the various standard tactics that public relations
uses to get information to the media in the hopes we can “earn” the
media taking our information and delivering it to their readers/listeners.
For the final aspect of this assignment, you will write a press release
that announces your campaign effort to the media in the hopes that a
reporter will write about your topic, along with what you are planning to
do about it.
■ I have included sample press releases and a template to use in writing
your press release on BlackBoard. I will review this in more detail
when I lecture on Chapter 14.
Your final paper should include the following:
1. Overall Recommendation to Address Issues related to Youth and
2. Target Audience(s) Description – One of the sections of a program plan
is a description of the audience. For your description of your target
audience, you will need to consider everyone that might be related to
your topic in some way and decide how to segment the community in
order to better tailor your goals and objectives. Make sure they include
relevant demographics and psychographics to best define the target
audiences. You will make use of the information you uncovered in the
Assignment #3 on secondary research.
3. Campaign Goals and Objectives
4. Tactics – The description of your tactics should include both detail on
what exactly you recommend, as well as a rationale as to why this
tactic will support your identified goals and objectives. As you provide
rationale for your tactics, you should draw on concepts discussed in
Chapter 7 that outline communication theories and principles around
Understanding the message, Believing the message, Remembering
the message, and Acting on the message.
5. This paper can be formatted as a combination of bulleted points listing
Goals and Objectives, and essay-style paragraphs describing target
audiences and tactics.
6. Press Release Announcing the Event
Minimum Guidelines: 8 to 10 pages
Additional information and resources to help with writing Goals & Objectives, and
formatting and writing the Press Release will be provided via Canvas and
discussed in class.

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