Strayer University Week 3 New Business Venture Discussion

Please Respond to the two discussion responses below. I have included the initial discussion question for your reference. Please use in-text citation and include a reference list.

Initial Discussion Question:

Scenario: Your company is undertaking a new business venture in another country. Your boss has told you they want you to oversee this venture. You are excited about the opportunity, and you want to ensure the people you interact with are working harmoniously with you.

Peruse the Discussion Question resources. Select your home country and another country of your choosing. If your home country is not listed in the resources, please select a neighboring country or one you are familiar with. Respond to the following prompts.


riefly explain why you chose the other country.

Discuss the similarities and differences between your 2 countries.

How can you use the similarities you identified to your advantage in your communications?

What hurdles might the differences you found present for your communications?

Reflect on the Discussion Question resources you used. Did any of the resources’ findings surprise you, or do you disagree with their analysis? Explain.

Referencing at least 2 of this week’s materials, what tactics would you apply to build rapport across the 2 cultures and overcome any intercultural obstacles?

Discussion Response 1:

Lucia Ndhlovu

Greetings Dr. March and fellow learners,

Undertaking a new business venture in another country can be a daunting task if one does not consider the other country’s culture. Sometimes, people need to adapt to their new surroundings and to the other country’s ways of doing things (JWI505, 1). The other country I have chosen is Namibia.

I chose Namibia because it is located relatively near South Africa. I believe that the countries might have some similarities because they are located within the same geographical region and they might have fewer cultural differences (thus leading to effective communication practice between the two).

Similarities between South Africa and Namibia are noted below:

The biggest similarities between Namibia and South Africa are that they are both have long term orientation that considers their past, and similar views concerning power and rankings in society (Hofstede Insights, 2).

Long term orientation:

Both South Africa and Namibia exhibit a normative culture. Namibia preserves it’s culture in its way of thinking. Both countries are cognizant of their traditions when looking into the future (Hofstede Insights, 2).

Power Distance:

Both South Africa and Namibia maintain a hierarchal ranking when it comes to power and authority.

Differences between South Africa and Namibia are that noted below:


South Africa is predominantly individualistic whilst Namibia is considered a collectivistic society (Hofstede Insights, 2).


South Africa is considered a masculine society. Assertiveness, competitiveness and conflicts are dominant (Hofstede Insights, 2).

Namibia is considered a feminine society because it is largely concerned with the quality of life and caring for others (Hofstede Insights, 2).

Uncertainty avoidance:

South Africa has a low preference on uncertainty avoidance. South Africa is flexible and is not too concerned with having rules and terms that may seem ambiguous. Namibia’s score indicates that the country has no preference to aspects of uncertainty of the future (Hofstede Insights, 2).

Not determined:


Predominantly white South Africans were considered in this analysis and it found that South Africans are indulgent. The author however, notes that South Africa is predominantly populated by black Africans and thus, the result may seem slightly biased. Namibia has no score concerning this category (Hofstede Insights, 2).

How can you use the similarities you identified to your advantage in your communications?

By acknowledging the impact of the past on both countries, I can determine the most effective approach when establishing communication between the two countries. The hierarchal culture that exists in both countries (Hofstede Insights, 2) is very telling of the kind of structural systems that exist.

What hurdles might the differences you found present for your communications?

The differences identified between the two countries could form communication hurdles in that the cultures between the two countries may be slightly different. Both countries have opposing cultural views concerning individualism, masculinity and uncertainty avoidance (Hostende Insights, 2).

Reflect on the Discussion Question resources you used. Did any of the resources’ findings surprise you, or do you disagree with their analysis? Explain.

I was very surprised to find that South Africa and Namibia have more cultural differences than similarities, although they are neighboring countries who both share a history of colonialism and apartheid (Britannica, 3; Britannica 4).

Referencing at least 2 of this week’s materials, what tactics would you apply to build rapport across the 2 cultures and overcome any intercultural obstacles?

To build a relationship between the two cultures I would place emphasis on our similarities and be cognizant of the cultural differences (JWI505, 1). I would consider building cross-cultural trust between the two countries as a foundation for effective communication (Javidan and Zaheer, 5). I would also ensure that I obtain some advice and guidance from experts, be open-minded and be willing to learn a new way of communicating effectively, and to be non-biased when conflict arises due to cultural differences (Hyun and Conant, 6).


1. JWI505. Business Communications and Executive Presence. Lecture notes. Week 3.

2. Hofstede Insights. 2022. National Culture.

3. Britannica. 2022. South Africa.

4. Britannica. 2022. Namibia.

5. Mansour Javidan and Aks Zaheer. 2019. How Leaders Around the World Build Trust Across  Cultures. Harvard Business Review.

6. Jane Hyun and Douglas Conant. 2019. 3 Ways to Improve Your Cultural Fluency. Harvard Business Review

Discussion Response 2:

Johnnie Johnson

RE: Week 3 Discussion

riefly explain why you chose the other country.

While serving in the U.S. Army, I was stationed for two years in West Germany, beginning in Ludwigsburg and ending the tour in Nurnberg, my principal duty station. The Berlin Barrier was a dividing factor between the East and the Western territories during my 1982-1984 stint. Both cities were dominated by the English language and American cultural practices, making their cultures easy to navigate.

The similarities and differences: The United States / Germany

German culture is more patriarchal and has a higher degree of communication and consensus-based decision-making compared with the American culture. Deciding/planning requires much thought and consideration; once a decision is made, little to no change occurs. Unlike Americans, it is irritating to these Europeans to haggle/negotiate. The cultures heavily influence U.S. culture in this region.

How can you use the similarities you identified to your advantage in your communications?

Germany is perceived as a perfectionist nation, talking the talk and walking the walk. After categorizing and classifying things into compartments, columns, and rows, analyzing results and identifying those that serve a considerable good/interest stimulates learning. If you have been exposed to this culture personally, you cannot help but remain focused on the objective. Additionally, it will demonstrate a commitment if conditions and potential consequences are outlined in a transparent manner.

What hurdles might the differences you found present for your communications?

With the use of available technology platforms, the barriers would be minimal other than becoming familiar with these methodologies because they are a new form of facilitating meetings and executing contracts. I gained a glimpse at differences in cultural languages and an understanding of nonverbal communications and body language.

Reflect on the Discussion Question resources you used. Did any of the resources’ findings surprise you, or do you disagree with their analysis? Explain.

Some cultural norms become confusing for outsiders, especially when the way of life does not agree with the traditions foreigners are accustomed to following. For example, several years ago, the #44th President bowed before the Sultan of Saudi Arabia; it was thought of as a good gesture to many but made many Americans uncomfortable and feel weak before other nations. I believe it is always best to be authentic.

Referencing at least 2 of this week’s materials, what tactics would you apply to build rapport across the 2 cultures and overcome any intercultural obstacles?

I resonate with this week’s material and think about the approaches I would use to build cross-cultural relationships. I am in agreement with #3 Facilitating Meetings & #4 Socialization of the “6 Examples of Cultural Differences in Communication.” The meeting parameters should be well defined, and the presenters can plan an itinerary of interaction and a social program around the meeting (1).

Pellegrino Riccardi, who spoke at the TEDx Conference “Cross-cultural communications,” explained the concept of “acceptance and familiarity,” which says that we are all doing the same thing slightly differently. By asking curious questions, you can establish a more personal connection (2)


Atkinson, “6 Examples of Cultural Differences in Business Communication”

Cross cultural communication | Pellegrino Riccardi | TEDxBergen

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