You can create a newsletter using a tool or your choosing, such as Canvas, or use the Newsletter Template Download Newsletter Template .

You can create a newsletter using a tool or your choosing, such as Canvas, or use the  Newsletter Template    Download Newsletter Template . As a reminder, in Weeks 1 through 4 you write a newsletter that covers the content discussed in each assignment. The purpose of the newsletter is to provide advice for health care leaders on how to apply the skills and concepts to similar scenarios that arise in the workplace. For each part of the assignment,

· Create an article that addresses each prompt.

· Frame your articles as if you are writing to leaders in your organization.

· Review the Writing Center resource  Considering Audience  (Links to an external site.)  for information on how to do this.

· You can create a newsletter using a tool or your choosing, such as Canvas, or use the  Newsletter Template    Download Newsletter Template .

· You can also add images or figures that are formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s resource  Table, Images, and Appendices  (Links to an external site.) .

· You can find images from the websites:  Unsplash  (Links to an external site.) and  Pexels  (Links to an external site.).

· These websites provide free images without attribution or commercial or non-commercial licenses. However, it is important to follow all copyright laws. You can find information on these laws by visiting the webpages  Copyright Basics  (Links to an external site.)  and  What is Copyright?  (Links to an external site.)

For the assignment, you must use a minimum of three to four scholarly or credible sources that are formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center. You can learn more by reviewing the resources  Formatting Your References List  (Links to an external site.)  and  APA: Citing Within Your Paper  (Links to an external site.) .

Part 1: Introduction and Scenario

Using the “In Search of Optimal FTEs – The Post-Acute Care Unit at Sunnyside Hospital” case study found on page 103 from your  New Leadership for Today’s Health Care Professionals: Concepts and Cases textbook, address the following:

Article 1

In your first newsletter article, you will need to complete each of the following components:

· Summarize the case study.

· Summarize the importance of the full-time equivalent (FTE) calculations in planning at Sunnyside Hospital.

· Discuss how Sunnyside could have better planned for the opening of the new rehabilitation unit.

· Recommend the initiatives that could have been taken by the human resource department to retain seasoned employees.

Part 2: Introduction and Scenario

The relationship between professionalism and leadership is inherently in every interaction between health care professionals and patients or other health care professionals. Using the “A Violation of Professional Standards” case study found on page 83 from your  New Leadership for Today’s Health Care Professionals: Concepts and Cases textbook, address the following:

Article 2

In your second newsletter article,

· Summarize the case study.

· Analyze the provisions of services covered in the case study and identify any violations of professional ethics and standards.

· Determine what actions should be taken as a result of the violation(s).

Upload your Project to Folio 

It is recommended that you upload your completed newsletter to Folio. For information on how to set-up and use your Folio account, check out the Folio webpage in the  Student Support Center .

The Human Resources Newsletter

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