SU Health & Medical Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta Community Report

? Overview

In this assignment, you will write a report (approximately three pages) that summarizes market needs for a local hospital based on their Community Health Needs Assessment. The Affordable Care Act mandated that not-for-profit hospitals conduct a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) every three years, and to include social determinants of health as a component of this needs assessment. Tax-exempt hospitals are required to learn about the community that they serve.  For this assignment, you are going to learn about the needs of your community from the perspective of the nearest not-for-profit hospital in your area.


Review your textbook chapters 15-17.

Locate your local not-for-profit hospital on the internet.

  • Research the hospital’s most recent Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA).
  • Example:
  • Instructions
  • Locate the most recent Community Needs Assessment (CHNA) document for a specific hospital and provide a link to both the document and the hospital.

  • Review the document (CHNA) in its entirety, gaining an understanding of the population, the community issues, healthcare concerns, and recommendations for improving the health status of the community.
  • Include the link to the hospital’s main website.

    Identify and discuss the following:

    Top Health Priority Health Need

  • List and briefly discuss the top 5 Priority Health Needs for the community that were identified by the CHNA document.
  • Primary Data

  • List and briefly discuss three sources that the not-for-profit community hospital used to collect Primary Data
  • Implementation Plan
  • Identify one need and summarize how the community data was used to create a program to address this need.
  • Summarize how primary market data is used to identify needs, develop programs and marketing in healthcare.

  • Note:  I located the hospital for my area.  Please see link below.  This is for Children’s Hospital of Atlanta.  I attached the assignment rubric.   Thank you ?
  • Week 4 Assignment – Health Needs Assessment Rubric
    Locate a Community Needs Assessment (CHNA) document for a specific hospital and provide
    a link to both the document and the hospital.
    Levels of Achievement:
    o Unacceptable (Below 60%) 0 (0.00%) points
    Did not submit or did not locate a CHNA document.
    o Needs Improvement (60-69%) 14.625 (9.75%) points
    Located information on a hospital, but not a CHNA document specifically.
    o Satisfactory (70-79%) 16.875 (11.25%) points
    Located a CHNA document but did not provide a link to the hospital or the specific
    document for that hospital.
    o Competent (80-89%) 19.125 (12.75%) points
    Located a Community Needs Assessment (CHNA) document for a specific hospital and
    provided a link to EITHER the document OR the hospital.
    o Exemplary (90-100%) 22.5 (15.00%) points
    Locate a Community Needs Assessment (CHNA) document for a specific hospital and
    provide a link to BOTH the document AND the hospital.
    List and discuss the top 5 Priority Health Needs for the community that were identified by the
    CHNA document.
    Levels of Achievement:
    o Unacceptable (Below 60%) 0 (0.00%) points
    Did not submit or did not identify any priority health needs.
    o Needs Improvement (60-69%) 19.5 (13.00%) points
    Identified priority health needs, but they were not aligned to the specific CHNA
    o Satisfactory (70-79%) 22.5 (15.00%) points
    Identified at least 3 top 5 Priority Health Needs for the community that were identified
    by the CHNA document.
    o Competent (80-89%) 25.5 (17.00%) points
    Identified at least 5 top Priority Health Needs for the community that were identified by
    the CHNA document.
    o Exemplary (90-100%) 30 (20.00%) points
    Listed and discussed the top 5 Priority Health Needs for the community that were
    identified by the CHNA document.
    List and discuss three sources that the not-for-profit community hospital used to collect
    Primary Data.
    Levels of Achievement:
    o Unacceptable (Below 60%) 0 (0.00%) points
    Did not submit or did not list sources of primary data.
    o Needs Improvement (60-69%) 19.5 (13.00%) points
    Listed sources of primary data collection unrelated to the hospital.
    o Satisfactory (70-79%) 22.5 (15.00%) points
    Week 4 Assignment – Health Needs Assessment Rubric
    Listed two sources that the not-for-profit community hospital used to collect Primary
    o Competent (80-89%) 25.5 (17.00%) points
    Listed and discussed two sources that the not-for-profit community hospital used to
    collect Primary Data.
    o Exemplary (90-100%) 30 (20.00%) points
    Listed and discussed three sources that the not-for-profit community hospital used to
    collect Primary Data.
    Identify one need and summarize how the community data was used to create a program to
    address this need.
    Levels of Achievement:
    o Unacceptable (Below 60%) 0 (0.00%) points
    Did not submit or did not identify one need.
    o Needs Improvement (60-69%) 19.5 (13.00%) points
    Identified one need unrelated to the community data for the chosen hospital.
    o Satisfactory (70-79%) 22.5 (15.00%) points
    Identified one need related to the community data for the chosen hospital.
    o Competent (80-89%) 25.5 (17.00%) points
    Identified one need and hypothesized how community data might be used to create a
    program to address this need.
    o Exemplary (90-100%) 30 (20.00%) points
    Identified one need and summarized how the community data was used to create a
    program to address this need.
    Summarize how primary market data is used to identify needs and develop programs and
    marketing in healthcare.
    Levels of Achievement:
    o Unacceptable (Below 60%) 0 (0.00%) points
    Did not submit or did not identify any primary market data.
    o Needs Improvement (60-69%) 14.625 (9.75%) points
    Identified primary data, with no clear connection to program development or
    o Satisfactory (70-79%) 16.875 (11.25%) points
    Identified primary market data that is used to develop programs and marketing in
    healthcare in general.
    o Competent (80-89%) 19.125 (12.75%) points
    Summarized how primary market data is used to identify needs.
    o Exemplary (90-100%) 22.5 (15.00%) points
    Summarized how primary market data is used to identify needs and develop programs
    and marketing in healthcare.
    Week 4 Assignment – Health Needs Assessment Rubric
    Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements.
    Levels of Achievement:
    o Unacceptable (Below 60%) 0 (0.00%) points
    More than 8 errors present.
    o Needs Improvement (60-69%) 9.75 (6.50%) points
    7-8 errors present.
    o Satisfactory (70-79%) 11.25 (7.50%) points
    5-6 errors present.
    o Competent (80-89%) 12.75 (8.50%) points
    3-4 errors present.
    o Exemplary (90-100%) 15 (10.00%) points
    0-2 errors present.

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