Discussion: Putting Ethics into Practice

By Day 6Respond to at least two of your colleague’s postings in one or more of the following

Compare similarities and differences of the case you selected with that of your colleague.
Offer an alternative NCDA ethical standard that you believe may be relevant to the case selected and
explain your reasoning.
Validate the description of how your colleague would work with this client/student with your own
Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note
what you have learned and/or any insights that you have gained as a result of the
comments your colleagues made.
Click on the Reply button below to reveal the textbox for entering your message. Then
click on the Submit button to post your message.
Payton Jones
RE: Discussion – Week 4
I chose the case of Juliette because I would eventually like to work with high school students or college level
students. Juliette is undecided about her postsecondary options and is in the process of reviewing career
options that will match Juliette’s current interests. Juliette reveals that she is apart of the LGBTQ+ community
and is wanting to join the military. She is concerned that she will be discriminated against. Her school
counselor was unaware of her LGBTQ+ identity and has religious beliefs that may interfere with her ability to
be non-judgmental when working with Juliette, so she wants to transfer her to another school counselor.
Ethical Standards and Multicultural/Social Change Considerations Relevant to the Case
In the world of counseling, there are many different ethical standards that we must follow and adhere to as
practicing counselors. The National Career Development Association (NCDA) lists ethical standards revolving
around career choices that counselors must follow and focuses on principles that will better the relationships
between the counselor and client. Section A.1.a of the NCDA states that the career counselors must respect the
dignity of an individual and promote their welfare while focusing on providing services to them (NCDA,
2015). Regardless of their identity, the counselor should focus on the practice at hand which is to help Juliette
figure out a career choice.
When looking at the counselors’ religious beliefs, Section A.4.b. Personal Values, it states that career
professionals are to respect the diversity of clients regardless of their beliefs (NCDA, 2015). Career
professionals are to be aware of their own values and beliefs and must avoid imposing values that are
inconsistent with the client’s goals (NCDA, 2015). The counselor must put her values to the side as a
professional rather than transferring the client to another professional due to their religious beliefs.
Lastly, Section A.10.a Abandonment Prohibited, it states that the career professionals do not abandon or
neglect clients to whom they provide career services to (NCDA, 2015). In section A.10.d Appropriate Transfer
to Services, it states when career professionals transfer or refer clients to other practitioners, they ensure that
appropriate clinical and administrative processes are completed, and open communication is maintained with
both clients and practitioners (NCDA, 2015). The school counselor must make sure the client wants to transfer
rather than referring her to a different clinician without approval of the client. The school counselor should be
more aware of the ethical standards rather than putting their own beliefs as their first priority.
The NCDA ethical codes were created to provide a pathway for career professionals to view ethical behaviors
while providing services to clients (NCDA, 2015). If I was in the position of the school counselor working
with Juliette and was in the situation where my beliefs collide with my client’s identity, I would put my beliefs
to the side and view the situation as a professional rather than an individual. As a professional, you will deal
with clients who may have beliefs that collide with yours or may act in ways you may not agree with, but in
the end, you must maintain a professional relationship with the client until it becomes dangerous, or harm is
creeping around the corner. Now, that is easier said than done, but with practice it will get easier overtime.
That also doesn’t mean you have to adhere to their beliefs or change your beliefs, but as a professional you put
your beliefs aside because that is the professional thing to do.
National Career Development Association. (2015). 2015 NCDA code of ethics.
Broken Arrow, OK: Author. Retrieved from
Jessiann Bodell
RE: Discussion – Week 4
I chose the Willow Bay Elementary School case due to my interest in working with children. The school
counselor would like to have groups of fifth-grade students participate in groups of various professional
careers. The professionals who present to the fifth graders will also lead job shadows in the community. The
school counselor considers students’ academic performance in specific subjects to determine which groups the
students will attend.
Ethical Standards and Multicultural/Social Change Considerations Relevant to the Case
The 2015 National Career Development Association (NCDA) professional values and principles ethical
standards state that autonomy, or the right of an individual to direct their life, is a principle that is fundamental
to ethical behavior. Therefore, the school counselor should let the fifth-grade students decide which career
groups they would like to participate. The NCDA A.1.a. states that the career professional is responsible for
respecting individuals and promoting their welfare (NCDA, 2015). The school counselor must regard the
individuals’ choices and encourage the student’s decisions.
Also, because the students are minors, the NCDA code A.2.d. school counselor has to “seek the assent of
clients to services and include them in decision making as appropriate” (NCDA, 2015, p 4). The school
counselor must inform the legal guardians about the role of the counselor and confidentiality while being
culturally sensitive to the diversity of families (NCDA, 2015). The school counselor seeks a collaborative
relationship with the legal guardians to seek the welfare of the students (NCDA, 2015). The school counselor
seeks informed consent, informed roles, and a collaborative relationship with the legal guardians.
NCDA code B.1.a. states that the school counselor must be aware and sensitive to the cultural meaning of
confidentiality and privacy to the students and their guardians (NCDA, 2015). The school counselor must
understand the confidentiality and privacy the legal guardians expect to ensure they do no harm. The school
counselor must also respect the NCDA code C.2.a., which states the counselor must also gain knowledge,
awareness, skills, and sensitivity to the students’ cultures (NCDA, 2015). Cultural awareness and skills will be
essential to ensure that the students and legal guardians are respected and treated with dignity.
The 2015 NCDA code of ethics is designed to guide counselors in ethical behavior while working with clients
(NCDA, 2015). The school counselor from Willow Bay Elementary School can use the NCDA code to guide
the actions to ensure students receive ethical care during career presentations and job shadowing. The school
counselor must also be culturally aware and sensitive to the career groups’ students and legal guardians
involved. Acute awareness will ensure that there is no harm done and that the student’s welfare is considered to
ensure success.
National Career Development Association. (2015). 2015 NCDA code of ethics. Broken Arrow,
OK: Author. Retrieved from
20 hours ago
Kasey Gladding
RE: Discussion – Week 4
For this week’s discussion, I chose the Willow Bay Elementary School case because of my interest in
becoming a school counselor. In this case, the school counselor is working to set up groups to introduce
students to different careers. The plan is to have multiple professionals present on their careers and separate the
students into groups based on their academic performance in different areas.
Ethical Standards and Multicultural/Social Change Considerations Relevant to the Case
According to the National Career Development Association (NCDA), the fundamental principles of ethical
behavior and decision-making are promoting autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, objectivity,
accountability, and veracity. In the case of Willow Bay Elementary School, autonomy is one of the first things
to consider. The NCDA highlights in code A.1.a that career professionals are to respect the dignity and
promote the welfare of individuals they work with (NCDA, 2015). A better course of action would be to allow
students to decide which professional presentations they are most interested in seeing. This would promote the
students’ autonomy to decide what they are interested in.
When working with minors another consideration is consent. According to NCDA code A.2.d counselors need
to recognize the balance between the ethical rights to give clients choice, their ability to give consent, and the
rights of their legal guardians to give consent (NCDA, 2015). To ensure the NCDA code A.2.d is upheld the
counselor should request consent from the student’s legal guardians.
To ensure I am working ethically with the students in this case I would begin by sending home a permission
slip requesting parents’ consent for their child to engage in the professional presentations. Once the permission
slips are returned, I would then allow the students to choose which professional presentations they would like
to attend. Ethical practice is crucial in career counseling as the intention like any other field is to help without
causing harm, to do this effectively you must practice ethically.
National Career Development Association. (2015). 2015 NCDA code of ethics. Broken Arrow,
OK: Author. Retrieved from

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