Psychology Paper

Understanding and evaluating research is an important skill in understanding sexual addictions.
This assignment will help you research the literature and gain scholarly knowledge related to
your topic of interest. This assignment will help you learn to evaluate research and learn more
about scholarly sources related to sexual addictions.
This provides an opportunity for you to
explore an area of interest related to sexual addition in greater depth than time allows in our
INSTRUCTIONSYou will choose and review a topic relevant to sexual addiction.
Topics may include the
following: pornography, the internet, prostitution, trauma, the family of origin, treatment
modalities, religious beliefs, dual diagnosis, sexual abuse, power and control, biochemistry of the
brain, etc. You may choose your topic, but you must email your instructor for approval of the
topic before beginning. Your paper must be 8-10 pages (not including title page, abstract, and
reference page) in current APA format that focuses on a topic of your choice related to sexual
addiction.Your paper must cite at least 7 scholarly journal articles available in the LU online library. These
scholarly sources should be current (published within the past 5 years, not more than 10 years).
Other references, including the course texts and the Bible, may be incorporated in addition to the
7 journal articles, but the majority of the content of the paper must be supported by research-
based scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles.
The following are not considered scholarly sources:,,
Psychology Today
magazine, Wikipedia, (Kendra Cherry), (Saul McLeod),,,, books written for a general
audience, and magazines written for a general audience. Many of these resources can be useful
for gaining knowledge of a topic and often contain accurate information, but they are not
scholarly sources acceptable for use in a graduate-level research paper. Non-scholarly sources
are not necessarily useless or inaccurate, but a graduate-level research paper must contain
research-based sources, such as journal articles describing original research studies. If you are
unsure whether or not a reference is scholarly, ask your instructor.
This paper must be written in formal, academic language. Avoid your opinions or personal
experiences. This is to be a formal research paper.
Be sure to review the
Topic of Interest Paper Grading Rubric
before completing the assignment.

Carnes, P. J., & Adams, K. M. (eds) (2020). Clinical management of sex addiction (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Brunner/Routledge.

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