Psychology question did you choose this link for this assignment? In other words, why was it interesting or important
to you?
What concepts in our course apply to the link you chose? Identify the concepts, explain what the
concepts mean, and explain their application and implications for development. (Please refer to Chart
for Exam Preparation, located in the “Exam Resources” folder on Bb, to help you with this part.)
What was most interesting, striking, or surprising to you about the content of the link?
Do you think the material presented is fair, balanced, and credible, or is it biased? How did you come to
that conclusion? (Please refer to the documents on Blackboard Things to Think about When Writing a
Critique and The Critical Thinking Skills Cheat Sheat to assist you with this critique.)
be sure to develop the section on the application of the concept. You explained the concept and
provided a brief explanation of its application, but what are the implications for development? In other
words, how does understanding this concept in relation to the article help us understand the developing
Why did you choose this link for this assignment? In other words, why was it interesting or important to
What concepts in our course apply to the link you chose? Identify the concepts, explain what the
concepts mean, and explain their application and implications for development. (Please refer to Chart
for Exam Preparation, located in the “Exam Resources” folder on Bb, to help you with this part.)
What was most interesting, striking, or surprising to you about the content of the link?
Do you think the material presented is fair, balanced, and credible, or is it biased? How did you come to
that conclusion? (Please refer to the documents on Blackboard Things to Think about When Writing a
Critique and The Critical Thinking Skills Cheat Sheet to assist you with this critique.)
be sure to develop the section on the application of the concept. You explained the concept and
provided a brief explanation of its application, but what are the implications for development? In other
words, how does understanding this concept in relation to the article help us understand the developing

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