Cuyamaca Community College Conflict Between Religion and Science in US Survey

The conflict between Religion & Science SURVEY

This is an assignment that will require you to collect information from other people.I have placed the assignment at the beginning of the Unit so you can start collecting the information right away to have plenty of time to analyze the results.

For this assignment, you will run a survey.

The survey has to present the opinion of a minimum of 10 individuals. Individuals must be 18 or older.Before you start, you should read the survey collected by the Pew Research Center: Religion and Science in the United States. (Links to an external site.)

You can use this report as a guideline.

Your survey consists of 10 questions. Eight of the questions are below, but you have to create the other two. Think about what else you would like to ask about the subject that could, at the same time, enhance the overall information of the survey.

Once you have the results, you must present and submit a report with:

Title of the report  Introduction to the survey  Example of information to include in the introduction: What is the main subject of the survey? how many people participated? how were the participant chosen? What was the intent of the survey? What the survey anonymous? Did you ask the questions personally or through email, social media, mail?Answers to the survey  

Present the answer to each of the questions. You can use written percentages, pie charts, bar charts, etc.. There are many tools online to help with this part ( here is one:  (Links to an external site.)

The format should be easy to read, analyze and comprehend.

Summary and conclusions to the report  

These are some ideas to include in the conclusions:

Describe your experience. How receptive the participants were, Were the questions easy to ask and understand? Did participants think the questions were easy to answer?

Was the group survey big and diverse enough to extrapolate the results? What would you change? What questions would you like to add or change?

Explain what you learned from the results about the population surveyed: This part should remain objective, do your best to state and compare the results without adding your opinion and be clear when you add your interpretation of the results.

For example 95% of the people surveyed stated there is a conflict between religion and science, but surprisingly only 5% of them think their own believes are in conflict. This makes me wonder what religious believes the individuals surveyed share with religion they belong to.

  • Presentation, formatting, readability and grammar, etc.. (10%)
  • The report must include the assignment honor code at the end:

    Honor Code Statement for Assignment

    Your Name: _______________________

    I pledge on my honor that:

    I have completed all the steps of the attached assignment on my own: I have performed the survey and write the report. I have not used any unauthorized materials while completing this assignment.


    And here are the questions:


    1- Which of the following statements comes closest to your beliefs about God?

  • I believe in God
  • I believe in God, but I don’t believe God concerns himself with fates and actions of human beings
  • I don’t believe in God, but do believe in universal spirit/higher power
  • Don’t believe in either
  • Other
  • Don’t know/Refuse to answer
  • 2- In your opinion, generally, do you think science and religion are often in conflict, or science and religion are mostly compatible?

  • Yes
  • , often in conflict

  • Mostly compatible with some very exceptional conflicts
  • No
  • , they are fully compatible

    Don’t know/Refuse to answer

    3- Are your own beliefs in conflict with science?

    YesNoDon’t know/Refuse to answer

    4-Which of the following do you believe are conflicts between science and religion? Mark as many as needed

  • Evolution/Creation
  • Climate change
  • Abortion
  • Stem Cells
  • Big Bang/Biblical origin of the universe
  • Other/Specify
  • 5- Do you think scientists are more or less likely than others to be religious people?

  • More likely
  • Same as others
  • Less likely
  • Don’t know/Refuse to answer

    6- How would you describe the impact of science on our society?

  • Mostly Positive
  • Mostly Negative
  • Both/Neither
  • 7- How would you describe the impact of religion on our society?

    Mostly PositiveMostly Negative

  • Both/Neither
  • 8- The same subject is talked about in a scientific conference and a religious celebration. The versions are opposite to each other. Which one do you think is true?

  • The scientific version
  • The religious version
  • The scientific version, if the subject is related to the natural world and the religious version, if it is about a moral issue
  • none of them, they are both probably wrong
  • both of them. There can be different explanations for the same event


    Olivia Weinstein
    June 9, 2017
    Conflict between Religion and Science Survey
    A total of 12 people participated in this survey and were asked these questions via email. Most of the
    people taking the survey were peers of mine and in college. I also asked 2 of my family members. I
    chose these people because most of them do have religious beliefs while some don’t particularly
    have any. I was most interested in hearing from one participant who grew up in a very religious
    household but later on in his life decided to make his own beliefs, as Christianity went against his
    own views. The intent of this survey was to see others opinions on the correlation of religion and
    science, which isn’t often talked about. The questions brought up, in my opinion, are very interesting
    and can bring up a lot of conversation. Some questions were even hard to answer. I think the main
    take away from this survey is to make people think about how science and religion are both used in
    society and other places that most people don’t realize.
    1. Which of the following statements comes closest to your beliefs about God?
    1. I believe in God
    2. I believe in God but I don’t believe God concerns himself with fates and actions of human
    3. I don’t believe in God, but do believe in universal spirit/higher power
    4. Don’t believe in either
    5. Other
    6. Don’t know/Refuse to answer
    2. In your opinion, generally do you think science and religion are often in conflict, or
    science and religion are mostly compatible?
    1. Yes, often in conflict
    2. Mostly compatible with some very exceptional conflicts
    3. No, they are fully compatible
    4. Don’t know/Refuse to answer
    3. Are your own beliefs in conflict with science?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know/Refuse to answer
    4. Which of the following do you believe are conflicts between science and religion? Mark as
    many as needed
    1. Evolution/Creation
    2. Climate change
    3. Abortion
    4. Stem Cells
    5. Big Bang/Biblical origin of universe
    6. Other/Specify
    5. Do you think scientist are more or less likely than others to be religious people?
    1. More likely
    2. Same as others
    3. Less likely
    4. Don’t know/Refuse to answer
    6. How would you describe the impact of science on our society?
    1. Mostly Positive
    2. Mostly Negative
    3. Both/Neither
    7. How would you describe the impact of religion on our society?
    1. Mostly Positive
    2. Mostly Negative
    3. Both/Neither
    8. The same subject is talked about in a scientific conference and a religious celebration. The
    versions are opposite of each other. Which one do you think is true?
    1. The scientific version
    2. The religious version
    3. The scientific version if the subject is related to the natural world and the religious
    version, if it is about a moral issue
    4. None of them, they are both probably wrong
    5. Both of them. There can be different explanations for the same event
    9. Where do your religious beliefs originate?
    1. Own beliefs
    2. Family
    3. School/ Teachings
    4. No religious beliefs
    5. Other
    10. Do you think schools should teach subjects through religion or science view?
    1. Religious
    2. Scientific
    3. Both
    I felt as if my survey went very well. All my participants felt comfortable enough to answer all the
    questions, which was a fear of mine at first. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to ask the questions in person
    to most of the participants. For the ones that I did, no one seemed too hesitant. I ended up asking 4
    people in person, and they questions weren’t that hard to ask. I assume this is because I am most
    close to these people and feel comfortable asking them anything. Most of them said the questions
    were easy to answer because there were many answer choices that expressed how they felt. I
    learned that a lot of the participants were less religious than I previously thought. Most choose the
    answers that favored scientific views or went against religion. I felt like most of my participants were
    diverse when it came to personal life and views. Most participants were high school friends that are
    now in college all around the states. If I could change anything, I would pick participants that I could
    survey in person. I feel like I could get everyone’s genuine reaction this way and see how they react
    when asked these types of questions.
    Honor Code Statement
    Olivia Weinstein:
    I pledge on my honor that:
    I have completed all steps of the attached assignment on my own: I have performed the survey and
    write the report. I have not used any unauthorized materials while completing this assignment.

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