Capella University Nursing Questions

Apply changes to the same assessment in prior question and highlight the changes if possible

PowerPoint presentation of at least 10 slides that could be given in a professional context. The presentation will demonstrate the use of professional guidelines and tools that create a strategy for dealing with an ethical dilemma in a simulated case study, and will analyze the usefulness of those guidelines and tools.

#1Apply ethical principles and standards to ethical dilemmas.
Ethical Concerns: Apply ethical standards to ethical concerns pertaining to a case study.
Identifies at least two ethical concerns with the case study and minimally applies ethical
standards to the concerns.
Faculty Comments:
You did a good job here; however, this area could have been more developed by applying
specific ethical standards to your case. Knowing how the Code of Ethics applies to different
ethical dilemmas is important in our work. In the future, identify specific ethical standards that
are at play in your case scenario.
#2 Employ models of ethical reasoning and ethical decision making.
Ethical Theory: Analyze ethical theories and justify application of one theory in an attempt to
resolve the ethical dilemma in the case study.
Faculty Comments:
Minimally analyzes two ethical theories.
Good job comparing and contrasting at least two ethical theories that could be applied to your
case scenario. However, you could have earned full credit by identifying one theory that would
be the best fit for your specific scenario and justifying it.
Ethical Decision Making: Apply steps in an ethical decision-making model to an ethical dilemma
in the case study.
Faculty Comments:
Lists ethical decision-making steps, but only minimally applies the steps to the ethical dilemma
It’s good that you listed the steps of an ethical decision-making model. Unfortunately, you
didn’t apply these steps to your case. The steps are generic. Application helps you to
understand how to use them.

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