Air Pollution Control Technologies Research Paper

Conduct research on air pollution control technologies for particulate matter and gaseous pollutants. Several of these technologies are outlined in your textbook on pages 841–873. You should include at least three other reputable outside sources in addition to your textbook. Your research paper should be structured along the following lines:

Introduction: Discuss particulate matter and gaseous pollutants. What are they? What are their sources? Why do we need to control their levels? Include a strong thesis statement.

Body paragraphs: Discuss particulate matter control methods. Cover one PM control technology and discuss how it works to control PM. Include advantages and disadvantages. Discuss gaseous pollutant control methods. Cover one gaseous pollutant control technology and discuss how it works to control gaseous pollutants. Include advantages and disadvantages.

Conclusion: Wrap up your main points and how they relate to and support your thesis statement.

Your research paper should be at least two pages in length and follow APA style. The title page and reference pages do not count toward the minimum page requirement.


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