American Military University Wk 8 Environmental Ethics Discussion


For this forum, choose one of the following topics to respond to for your initial post. When you respond to your peers please respond to a learner who has posted a contrary view on the topic you selected and then respond to a learner who has posted on the topic you did notselect.

Topic A: Environmental Ethics

Look up the term Environmental Ethics at

, then answer the following questions: Do you think that a book, a plant, or a building can be said to have a good of its own? Can things be done in its best interest? Does it have interests? Explain your answers and whether you think that this is a good reason to think of that as having intrinsic value (



Topic B: Self-Evident Intuitions

Westermarck writes, “…a theory which leads to an examination of the psychological and historical origin of people’s moral opinions should be more useful than a theory which postulates moral truths enunciated by self-evident intuitions that are unchangeable” (CO5). Agree or disagree and give your reasons.

Final Reflection:

And finally, please reflect on the following:

  • How will you include ethics in your present or future career?
  • How will you talk about ethics as a career competency?

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