ANTHRO 300 ARC The Effects of Migration on The Dispersal of Human Genes Discussion

1. Project Proposal (1 page) Your approved/graded Physical Anthropology Report Proposal.

Abstract (Summary) (1 page) Include the focus of your research, what you were interested in learning and what you
learned. Summarize the scope of your research. Briefly summarize your most significant
findings, discuss them, and
support your statements with data from your literature search
and interviews with anthropologists and professionals

Support for Abstract (3+ pages) a . Describe and discuss what surprised you. Discuss the
data from your literature search and interviews you used to support your findings
. b. Describe your conversations with the anthropologists and professional you contacted and interviewed. Discuss the ways in which these conversations affected the direction of your research and your understanding of the topic. c. Summarize your major insights in a graph or chart, based on the data you have collected.

4. Academic Significance of Project (1 page) Discuss how your research and the experts you cited in your Physical Anthropology Project Proposal contributed to your understanding of this topic and why the topic is important in the field of Biological Anthropology.

Annotated Bibliography of all your sources (1 page) Include a complete reference to each publication and a short description of what you
learned. (Minimum of two articles or books, more research articles = more points!)

Natomas Center
Spring Semester 2021
Anthropology 300
Class Project Prompt
D. Hoffman
This project is worth 100 points. It may be done individually or in small groups. The first step in the
process is to propose and have your topic/idea approved. This will be worth 50 points and must be
completed before you begin your project. Your proposal is due on February 16, 2021. If you choose
to work in a group, be sure that you are confident all members of your group are reliable and will do
their share of the work.
The idea behind this project is to give you the opportunity to pursue a topic within the discipline of
biological anthropology that is of interest to you, use the academic resources on our Home Page. the
internet, the library, make contacts with academics, and explore what is going on outside the text
and our classroom. You will need to identify important research currently being done on your topic
and speak or correspond with professionals conducting research on your topic. You must interview
researchers working on the topic of your choice and discuss their work with them. The completed
paper is due on December 1, 2020 for 50 possible points.
Topic Ideas

The evolution of the human immune system and the importance of this system for health
Human biological systems and their response to external social and ecological pressures
Compare the “food pyramid” approach with the “paleo-based” approach to nutrition
How are human and non-human primate responses to stressors similar and different?
Evolutionary trends in olfaction (smell) and vision among primates
Primate communication with respect to New World and Old World Monkeys
The effects of migration on the dispersal of human genes
The specific genetic similarities between the Great Apes (humans, chimpanzees, gorillas)
The relationship between genetic traits and culture
The emotional development of the hominid brain and its survival value
How bones are formed, regenerated and maintained in the human body
The first fossil evidence of human hunting and fire-making
The impact of cooking on human evolution
How modern technology has affected our ability to identify human remains
ARC – 3D Print Technology for fossil casts
UCD Primate Center Research on human/primate behavior
The impact of Lee Berger’s discoveries of Australopithecus sediba or Homo naledi
Check out the articles on Canvas for additional ideas.
You may feel free to propose your own topic.
Natomas Center
Spring Semester 2021
Anthropology 300
Project Proposal
D. Hoffman
Topic Description:
The effects of migration on the dispersal of human genes
-To summarize the effect of migration on genetic population structure, we introduce a new parameter, the
effective migration rate. Unlike most population structure statistics, it does not confound the effects of
mobility and population size, and it should therefore be useful for comparisons between populations.
Finally, we show that the difference between geographic variation of newborn and adult allele frequencies
contains information about both effective population size and effective migration rate.
-Migration can either increase or decrease genetic diversity. As individuals leave or enter a population,
they bring or take away unique alleles. Immigration is the movement of individuals into a population.
It increases genetic diversity.
-Dispersal is key to preserving evolutionary potential at the species level. Furthermore, knowledge of
these interactions is essential to identifying potential constraints on local adaptation and for the
development of effective management strategies.
Sources and Contacts:
1. Journals and published research (full citation) I will use for my project:
-Bruce, Spencer A., and Jeremy J. Wright. “Estimates of Gene Flow and Dispersal in Wild Riverine
Brook Trout (Salvelinus Fontinalis) Populations Reveal Ongoing Migration and Introgression from
Stocked Fish.” Ecology and Evolution, vol. 8, no. 23, 2018, pp. 11410–22, doi:10.1002/ece3.4556.
-Rogers, Alan R., and Henry C. Harpending. “Migration and Genetic Drift in Human
Populations.” Evolution, vol. 40, no. 6, 1986, pp. 1312–1327. JSTOR,
Accessed 8 Feb. 2021.
2. Researchers or professionals (Name, research interest, employment) I have contacted:
1. Bruce, Spencer A., and Jeremy J. Wright.
2. Rogers, Alan R., and Henry C. Harpending.
Spring 2021
1. Project Proposal (1 page) 5 points
Your approved/graded Physical Anthropology Report Proposal.
2. Abstract (Summary) (1 page) 10 points
Include the focus of your research, what you were interested in learning and what you
learned. Summarize the scope of your research. Briefly summarize your most significant
findings, discuss them, and support your statements with data from your literature
search and interviews with anthropologists and professionals.
3. Support for Abstract (3+ pages) 20 points
a. Describe and discuss what surprised you. Discuss the data from your literature search
and interviews you used to support your findings.
b. Describe your conversations with the anthropologists and professional you contacted
and interviewed. Discuss the ways in which these conversations affected the direction
of your research and your understanding of the topic.
c. Summarize your major insights in a graph or chart, based on the data you have
4. Academic Significance of Project (1 page) 5 points
Discuss how your research and the experts you cited in your Physical Anthropology
Project Proposal contributed to your understanding of this topic and why the topic is
important in the field of Biological Anthropology.
5. Annotated Bibliography of all your sources (1 page) 10 points
Include a complete reference to each publication and a short description of what you
learned. (Minimum of two articles or books, more research articles = more points!)

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