Arizona Christian University Genetic Enhancement Essay

Question 1Background:
According to Michael Sandel in “The Case Against Perfection”, using gene editing technology to
design or enhance children (for non-medical reasons) is wrong because doing so would
“disfigure the relationship between parent and child” (Sandel, 80). Sandel argues that parents
who design their offspring exhibit excessive transformative love and not enough accepting love.
Frances Kamm, however, argues in her response to Sandel (“What Is and Is Not Wrong with
Enhancement”) that, as long as certain conditions are met, using gene editing technology to
design children would not necessarily disfigure the parent-child relationship.
Write an essay in which you (1) explain why Sandel thinks that using gene editing technology to
design or enhance our children (for non-medical reasons) would disfigure the parent-child
relationship, and (2) explain why Kamm believes that using gene editing technology to design or
enhance our children would not necessarily disfigure the parent-child relationship. A complete
response to this question will discuss the following key ideas from this pair of papers: giftedness,
transformative love, accepting love, ex-ante changes, ex-post changes.
● 12 point font
● Times New Roman
● Double Spaced
● 750 Words

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