Baylor University Scientist Role Models and Marine Biologist Discussion

I need help writing about a sri lankan marine biologist (Asha de vos) i chose her because i am sri lankan as well and in our community it’s hard to see women as anything other than seamstresses and cooks so it really inspired me. I’ve attatched the requirememnts for the paper below

Scientist Role Models
Scientist Role Models
Scientists do a wide variety of research to answer many different types of questions. They also come from many
different places and backgrounds. This activity gives you a chance to find a scientist you can relate to in some
way. Maybe you’ll relate to the work they are doing, some part of their identity, or the environment where they
work. The choice is yours!
Why are you doing this activity?
Biology is a very broad subject, so it can be hard to cover everyone’s interests in class. This activity lets you pick
a scientist, and the part of biology they study, to explore on your own.
What will you, as a student, get out of it?
By doing this activity, you may discover a part of biology that interests you in some way. You may also be
inspired by your scientist and become more aware of the natural world.
What are you supposed to do?
Follow the steps in the procedure below to choose a scientist and learn about their work. At the end, you will
need to write a short essay about your scientist.
How will you know if you did the activity successfully?
To complete this activity successfully, review and revise your essay using the rubric at the end of this handout.
When used well, it can give you a sense of how well you completed the activity. It also gives you an opportunity
to revise and improve your work, which are important scientific habits.

“Scientist Profiles” document
Internet access for watching videos and doing research
1. Go through the “Scientist Profiles” document and choose a scientist to explore. Pick someone whose work
interests you and/or whom you can relate to in some way.
a. If none of those scientists captures your attention, you can find scientists from other resources such as
BioInteractive’s Scientists at Work videos, the HHMI Investigator list, or the UTA College of Science.
2. Do the following to learn more about your scientist and their work and complete Table 1:
a. If you picked a scientist from the “Scientist Profiles” document, watch the BioInteractive video listed for
that scientist.
b. Find and explore your scientist’s website by searching online.
c. Perform a Google search to read other articles or resources that mention your scientist. Remember to
use only reliable sources.
Published April 2020
Scientist Role Models
Table 1: Scientist Details
Scientist’s name
Describe the field of biology
they are working on (for
example, evolution or infectious
diseases) in 1 or 2 sentences.
Why are they doing this
What questions are they
trying to answer? Give 2
Sources. Provide at least 2
additional sources that you
consulted. One should be the
Scientist’s website.
3. Find a scientific paper written by your scientist, either as an author or co-author. (You can use Google
Scholar, a UTA library database, or the scientist’s website to locate papers.) This should be original
research conducted by the scientist. Go through the paper as follows:
a. Read the abstract and introduction.
b. Examine the figures in the results.
c. Read the discussion section.
4. Write a 400- to 500- word essay that summarizes your scientist’s work and why you relate to it. Type your
essay into the space provided on the next page(s). Your paper must include the following components.
☐ Overview: an overview of your scientist’s research interests, including the questions they are investigating
☐ Paper Summary: a summary of the scientific paper you read, written so that a high school student could
understand it
☐ Personal Relevance: a description of why the scientist’s work is relevant to you, your career interests,
and/or society in general
☐ References: citations for any references you used, including the scientific paper you read
5. Review your essay using the associated rubric on Canvas. Revise your essay as needed to fulfill the
criteria for “Exceptional” on the rubric. You are encouraged to utilize UTA writing center resources.
Note that the instructor and TAs will not read drafts or “pre-approve” your work. This assignment
must be completed individually and should not contain anything copied from any source.
Published April 2020
Scientist Role Models
Published April 2020
Scientist Role Models
Published April 2020
Scientist Role Model
5 pts
O pts
No Marks
An overview of
the scientist’s
including the
questions they
The overview and the questions
are included, well-explained, and
accurate. Section is free from
grammatical errors and is
thorough. Student clearly
dedicated effort to understanding
and explaining the research.
Missing or
4 pts
The overview
and the
questions are
included, but
some of the
writing is
unclear or
3 pts
The overview and
the questions are
incomplete or mostly
inaccurate. Writing
quality is poor. Little
effort demonstrated.
5 pts
3 pts
4 pts
O pts
Scientific Paper
A summary of
the scientific
paper you read,
written so that a
high school
student could
understand it.
5 pts
The summary is clear, accurate, and
well-written, with limited use of
jargon. It is written in the student’s
own words and is free of
grammatical errors. Section
represents considerable effort to
understand and explain the research
A summary is included
but is somewhat
contains some jargon, or
is not clearly explained.
May contain one or two
grammatical errors.
The summary is
incomplete, unclear, or
mostly inaccurate.
Writing quality is poor
and little effort was
made to understand or
explain the research.
5 pts
4 pts
3 pts
O pts
A description of
why the
scientist’s work
is relevant to
5 pts
The description is clear and complete. Student
has put some thought into reflecting on the
scientist’s work and clearly explained several
ways in which the work or scientist is personally
motivating or a role model.
A description
is included,
but some of
The description is
incomplete or
unclear. Little effort
was made to explain
the connections.
5 pts
you, your career
Length and
Project Quality
O pts
4 pts
3 pts
5 pts
Essay is 500-600 words and
represents considerable effort.
All project instructions were
followed. An appropriate
scientific paper was located.
Table 1 was completed
thoroughly. Overall, a high
quality assignment.
Essay is 400-500 words and
represents a solid effort. Most
of the requirements of the
assignment were satisfied.
Project may be lacking in one
essential area, such as Table 1
was not entirely complete.
5 pts
Essay is less than
400 words and is of
poor quality. Other
elements of the
project were not
completed correctly
or instructions not
4 pts
O pts
3 pts
No Marks
Missing or
5 pts
More than 3 references were
used. This includes the
researcher’s website, a
scientific paper, and at least
one other source that is
reliable. References are
correctly and consistently
formatted in MLA, APA, or
Three references were used.
This includes the
researcher’s website, a
scientific paper, and at least
one other source that is
reliable. References are
correctly and consistently
formatted in MLA, APA, or
Fewer than 3 references
were used. The scientific
paper may be missing or
source used. References
may be incorrectly
5 pts

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