BCO 122 Universidad Del Norte Corporate Social Responsability Agenda Worksheet

You should take into account the opresentation attached as an example and fill the template of a charitable event for an organization it could be a company or whatever thats raising money or awereness or CSR(corporate social responsability) you need to organize everything according to the template and the example. BCO122 ORAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS
Lecturer: Judith Pye
What is a meeting and what was the last
meeting you attended?
Meeting Rules
Have some
ground rules
Allocate roles
Let others
Only those
should attend
Meeting Agendas
What is a meeting agenda?
What should be on it?
Meeting Agendas

Always have an agenda – it will ensure you use your meeting time

Begin with a one-sentence description of the purpose of the

Send it to your participants before the meeting – At least 24-48
hours before.

Include the minutes from the last meeting, if necessary.

The more important the agenda – the earlier you should send out
the agenda.

Organize points in order of importance.
Example meeting agenda
Design Team Meeting
• Date: 20/03/22
• Time: 09:00 am – 09:45 am
• Meeting Participants: Mr. Jones, Mr. Sutton & Ms. Lindley
Meeting’s Purpose: Develop a new website page for product testimonials
Before the meeting: Every attendee must review the document on product testimonials
b. Discussion topics:

Review product testimonials document (10 min)
Discuss the content you want to include on the web page (10 min)
Present sample designs for the web page (15 min)
Share suggestions and vote on the website design (10 min)
c. Action items:

Create a timeline for design deliverables

Share first cut of the web page design

Schedule a second meeting to finalize design.
Meetings and Teamwork – 4 roles
The Leader
Everyone in the meeting must have a role!
The Leader
 Someone needs to be in charge
 Decide on details of the meeting
 They create the agenda
 Assign meeting roles
 Maintain a positive atmosphere during the
 Assign responsibilities
 Sets next meeting
The Recorder
 Take meeting notes
 Records key decisions made
 Creates Minutes
 Distributes minutes
 Also performs participant duties
The Timekeeper
 Helps maintain the agenda’s order
 Manages time
 Manages visual aids
 Also performs participant duties
The Participant
 Understands purpose and agenda of meetings
 Contributes to the meeting
 Contributes to the positive atmosphere
What can go wrong during a meeting?
Counterproductive participants
Problems in Meetings
• Groupthink/Convergent thinking – Coming to a joint decision too
quickly – without discussing all possibilities.
• Avoiding conflict – not wanting to hurt someone’s feelings.
• Louder, more dominant characters take over.
• Politics taking over effective decision-making.
• Meeting taking too long.
• Meeting not coming to any conclusion.
How to avoid problems
• Have an agenda
• Allow everyone to speak
• Encourage quieter participants to speak
• Ensure no-one is “taking over”
• Stick to the allotted time
Task 2.3 – Meeting Agenda
1. Choose your group (min. 3 persons, max. 5 per group)
2. Decide on roles (leader/recorder/participants/time-keeper)
3. Confirm the group in the forum in week 11 (Only the leader
4. Select an organisation
5. Choose an event
6. Decide on the logistics of the event
7. Create the agenda using the template in week 11
Deadline: 22nd April 14.00h CEST
BCO122 Task 2.3 – Meeting Agenda
– Name of Organization:
– No. of members in Team:
– Names of Team Members:

Meeting information:
Date & Time:
Note Taker/Recorder:
2. Preparation for the Meeting:
(What should the attendees prepare?)
3. Norms for the meeting
(What basic rules will you put in place for the meeting?)
4. Agenda Items:
• Item 1: / Time-Allotted:
• Item 2: / Time-Allotted:
5. Expected Meeting Outcomes:

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