BDSTCU Diabetes During Pregnancy Research Paper


Week 7 midweek assignment

Subject: Nursing

Sources: 5 sources required

Style: APA

Research topic: Diabetes in pregnancy

Research Proposal Draft By the due date assigned,

write a 2 page paper addressing the sections below of the research proposal.


Extraneous Variables (and plan for how controlled).

Instruments: Description, validity, and reliability estimates, which have been performed (on a pre-established measure). Include plans for testing validity and reliability of generating your own instrument(s). Description of the Intervention Data Collection Procedures

So far many studies on how to address diabetes are done but it only covers the general people.
How about we decide to major into looking after our own expectant mothers that have Diabetes.
They are a special case since they carry life in them. Most of the expectant mothers with diabetes
normally have had a history of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. In this chapter, we focus more on
how we get them tested.
There are only two ways that we can go about testing our soon-to-be mothers. The first one is the
Glucose Challenge Test (GCT) or as commonly known as the glucose screening test. In this test,
we will have to give our patient a syrup solution, preferably the Glucose Syrup solution. Later,
after an hour, we shall draw some little amount of blood from our soon-to-be mother. If it turns
out that the blood sugar level is high, we will have to perform the second test for glucose on our
patient. Which is the Oral Glucose Challenge Test (OCGT)
While performing the OCGT, we need to have our patient fast for 8 hours straight. Checking to
see that the patient did not have any medication. After the 8 hours, we will need to give our
patient an 8-ounce glass of glucose solution. Later we shall have to test for the disease every
three hours.
Despite the fact that diabetes in pregnant women does not affect their fertility it is very important
that it is controlled. First and foremost it is of great importance that the woman is of good health
before conception and during the pregnancy, if she has type one or types two diabetes. It is safe
to state that all pregnancies bear their own risks but in women with type one or type two diabetes
the level of risk is much higher both for mother and the baby.
Some of the measures that can be taken to control it are;
Ensuring the mother’s HbA1C are at the appropriate or recommended level as the closer the level
is to the ideal level, the risk of miscarriage, birth complications, or still, birth is lower.
Taking a higher dose of folic acid. Folic acid prevents birth defects, for instance, spina bifida.
Medication, in this case, insulin will be required in high dosage. A doctor will give the
mothering advice on how to adjust her dose. This is important mainly during the last three
months of pregnancy.
Planning meals appropriately, this will ensure no swings in blood sugar levels are experienced.
The baby will also be in need of more calories to feed it.
Stanford Children’s Health

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