1. Explain the problems confronting the Constitutional convention in 1787, how they were addressed, and the role of God in the creation of the Constitution.

2. Barton gives several examples of scriptural references in the Constitution. Name any two principles, give the complete text of the applicable scripture, and explain how this constitutional principle does, or does not, work in practice today. Give specific examples.

3. Barton gives four examples of political issues, based on the Ten Commandments, which receive God’s highest priority. Select any one political issue and discuss how it is either in or out of compliance with God’s law. Discuss a specific court case related the political issue and the applicable commandment.

4. According to Barton’s presentation, the government should not be involved in meeting the needs of the poor. Cite a verse in the Bible that instructs us how to help the poor. Give an example of how you, your community, or your church serves the poor. Compare this to a similar government program. Who provides a better outcome to the recipient? Explain.

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