Brite Divinity School of Texas Christian University ?Social Science Essay

1:44< To Do Assignment Details PSYC-2314-EM1 most important mechanism newborns have for communicating. We also know that babies have a minimum of three different cries—all indicating a different need (although many mothers would say there are even more). Developmental psychologists differ in their beliefs as to the importance of responding to infants' cries, and the implications it has for subsequent crying. Instructions for Students: Think about when you encountered crying babies in a public place. When was the last time you were in a restaurant and had your dinner interrupted by the loud cries of an infant? How about standing in line at the grocery store? The movie theater? Sitting in an airplane? How did you feel upon hearing the crying? Be honest! What were most people's reactions to a crying infant? Discuss this reaction with regard to what you have learned about the significant role crying plays in development. How might your perceptions or reactions to a crying infant be different in the future, based on what you have learned? Remember, you will be required to review and comment (comments should not be statements of: "I agree or I like what you stated"; no vague comments), and provide recommendations for improvement to 3 of your classmates' submissions - no less than 3 sentences. The rubric below will show the grading criteria so you will be aware of the needed requirements that will be reviewed. View Discussion Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox 1:44 < To Do Assignment Details PSYC-2314-EM1 This activity addresses End of Course Outcomes #6: Identify examples of some of the cultural and ethnic differences that influence development throughout the lifespan and Learning Objective (LO) 1: Discuss the development of emotions and personality in infancy. The purpose of this exercise is to assess perceptions of a common infant emotional state: crying. Crying is the most important mechanism newborns have for communicating. We also know that babies have a minimum of three different cries—all indicating a different need (although many mothers would say there are even more). Developmental psychologists differ in their beliefs as to the importance of responding to infants' cries, and the implications it has for subsequent crying. Instructions for Students: Think about when you encountered crying babies in a public place. When was the last time you were in a restaurant and had your dinner interrupted by the loud cries of an infant? How about standing in line at the grocery store? The movie theater? Sitting in an airplane? How did you feel upon hearing the crying? Be honest! What were most people's reactions to a crying infant? Discuss this reaction with regard to what you have learned about the significant role crying plays in development. How might your perceptions or reactions to a crying infant be different in the future, based on what you have learned? Remember, you will be required to review and comment (comments should not be statements of: "I agree or I like what you stated", no vaque comments). and provide View Discussion Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox

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