Broward Community College Muscle Pump Activator to Prevent VTE Paper

The paper is about  Muscle Pump Activator to Prevent VTE – geko can be an example, but you can use other medications.  I attach the files for you to follow. The two parts I have to do are Risks and benefits/ Interdisciplinary team’s Roles and Responsibilities.

Name of paper
Student, Student,
College of Nursing
NR: Complex
Month, date, 2021
Title of Your Paper in Upper and Lower Case (Centered, Bold)
Follow the RUA guidelines when completing this assignment. The paper should
be typed and presented in APA format, including an APA title page, use of headings,
and references with in-text citations. Keep the paper double spaced throughout.
Spelling and grammar will be evaluated with this assignment. Although the first
paragraph after the paper title is the introduction, no heading labeled “Introduction” is
used. Refer to your assignment instructions for the headings to be used for the body of
the paper. There are additional resources located in your courses and the Chamberlain
Library. You may have noticed that there no running heads in this paper. This is
because running heads are no longer required for student papers. Please delete all the
red words!
Technology (Centered, Bold)
The chosen therapeutic modality or healthcare technology meets one of the
following criteria: Has been introduced recently at the bedside for care of the complex
adult patient. Is a non-traditional modality for very ill patients in special circumstances. o
Is being used in a new way to treat a patient with complex needs. Requires specific
training above and beyond general entry-level nursing education. This section will
include the following: Introduce the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.
Name the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology. A brief fictional case is
used to illustrate the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.
Begin to type the body of your paper here. Use as many paragraphs as needed
to cover the content appropriately based on the assignment instructions.
Explanation and Background (Bold and centered)
This section will include a clear description of the therapeutic modality or
healthcare technology. Discuss how the therapeutic modality or healthcare
technology works. Describe the patient population it is used for. Include
medication, safety, and cost considerations as applicable.
Begin to type the body of your paper here. Use as many paragraphs as needed
to cover the content appropriately based on the assignment instructions.
Level Two Heading (If required, needed) (Bold and starts at left margin)
Type additional content here if a section with a subheading is needed.
Next Level Two Heading (If required, needed) (Bold and starts at left margin)
Continue to add content in this section.
Risks and Benefits (Next Level 1 Heading)
This section will include the following: Describe how the therapeutic modality
or healthcare technology can benefit the patient. Discuss ways to promote
positive outcomes.Explain the complications that may arise. Discuss
considerations for preventing complications.
Begin to type the body of your paper here. Use as many paragraphs as needed
to cover the content appropriately based on the assignment instructions.
Levels of headings will depend on the length and organization of your paper. Use as many
headings as necessary and required to organize your paper. Short papers may only
have level 1 headings. Longer papers may require more organizational detail. See your
APA Manual for additional instructions on formatting multiple levels of headings. When
a citation is included in the paragraph, put the author’s name followed in parentheses.
Here is an example with one author (Author, 2020). Here is an example with two
authors (Author & Author, 2020). Here is an example with three or more authors (Author
et al., 2020). On the reference page the citation with two authors is the same as in the
APA 6th edition. The authors are listed by their last names and initials. The authors’
names should be separated with a comma. Make sure to use the ampersand “&”
instead of “and ” (Owl at Perdue, 2020). If there are two to twenty authors, “list by last
names and initials; commas separate author names, while the last author name is
preceded again by ampersand” (Owl at Perdue, 2020).
Interdisciplinary team’s Roles and Responsibilities (Next Level 1 Heading)
This section will include the following including: Identify all interdisciplinary
team members caring for the patient, such as respiratory therapy, assistive
personnel, providers, case managers, clinical nurse specialists, and researchers.
Describe the roles and responsibilities of each member of the healthcare team
that is involved in the use of the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.
Discuss the roles and responsibilities of the nurse as a member of the
interdisciplinary team caring for the patient. Discuss one challenge in working
with an interdisciplinary team.
Begin to type the body of your paper here. Use as many paragraphs as needed
to cover the content appropriately based on the assignment instructions.
Nursing Scope of Practice (Next Level 1 Heading)
This section will include the following including: Discuss the knowledge needed
for the Registered Nurse to provide care for the patient using the therapeutic
modality or healthcare technology. Describe skills needed for the Registered
Nurse to provide care for the patient using therapeutic modality or healthcare
technology. Discuss attitudes needed for the Registered Nurse to provide care for
the patient using therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.
Begin to type the body of your paper here. Use as many paragraphs as needed
to cover the content appropriately based on the assignment instructions.
Patient Education (Next Level 1 Heading)
This section will include the following: Describe the information to be taught to
the patient and/or family. Discuss how information will be taught. Discuss
potential cultural considerations to teaching. Explain how the effectiveness of the
teaching will be evaluated.
Begin to type the body of your paper here. Use as many paragraphs as needed
to cover the content appropriately based on the assignment instructions.
Conclusion (Next Level 1 Heading)
This section will include the following: Provide a summary of the paper. No
new information is introduced. Include additional resources for further learning.
Papers should end with a conclusion or summary. The assignment directions will
specify which is required. It should be concise and contain no new information. No
matter how much space remains on the page, the references always start on a separate
page (insert a page break after the conclusion so that the references will start on a new
page). Please review the RUA grading rubric.
Please pay attention to APA Style and Organization. This is worth 5 points. (many
excellent resources here). References are required with the paper (see the last
page). The most current APA style is the 7th edition. Please strive or proper
grammar aand mechanics. Ensure that paper includes at least three (3), nursing,
scholarly, peer reviewed, primary sources from the last 5 years, excluding the
textbook. For writing assistance (APA, formatting, or grammar) visit the APA Citation
and Writing page in the online at
References (centered, bold)
Type your reference here using hanging indent and double line spacing (under
“Paragraph” on the Home toolbar ribbon). See your APA Manual and the
resources in the APA section of Resources for reference formatting. Do not just
copy and paste. Put in the effort to submit a proper reference page.
Author, A. A. (Date). How to cite a periodical with a DOI. Title of Periodical, xx, pp-pp.
Author, A. A. (Date). How to cite a journal article without a DOI and with a nondatabase
URL. Title of Periodical, xx, pp-pp. https://xxxxxx
Author, A. A. (Date). How to cite a journal article with a DOI and from most database or
print version. Title of article. Title of Periodical, xx, pp-pp.
Author, A. A. (Date). Title of book in lower case (ed.). Publisher Name.
Author, A. A. (Date). Title of book in lower case (ed.). Publisher Name.
Author, A. A. (Date). How to cite an ebook from vitalshelf in your course (ed.). Publisher
Name. https://www.whateverthereferralnameisgoeshere
Author, A. A. (Date). Title of book in lower case (Narr.). [Audiobook]. Publisher Name.
Author, A. A. (Date). Referencing a webpage tile of work here. Site Name. https://xxxxx
Author, A. A. [Screen name]. (year, month day). Refencing an on online video the name
of video goes here [Video]. YouTube. https://xxxxx

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