BSHS 445 UOP Psychology Assessing the Crisis Template & Discussion

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Respond to the following

What are some potential situations in which you may be called on to provide assessment and intervention in a school setting? Discuss a specific example of the interventions that you might need to implement.

Assessing the Crisis
BSHS/445 Version 4
University of Phoenix Material
Assessing the Crisis
Part 1
Complete the table below to show a compare and contrast between the hybrid model and psychological
first aid model. Be sure to use complete sentences and explain the tasks/steps in your own words. (Do
not use only quotations from the text). The first step is completed for you.
Task #
Task 1
The first task of “predispositioning”
involves the worker preparing for the
first interaction with the client in
crisis by demonstrating empathy,
introducing themselves, and
identifying their intention to the
The first step is “contact and engagement” in which
the interventionist aims to initially engage the client
in a compassionate manner.
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Task 5
Task 6
Task 7
Task 8
Part 2
Create a progress note* that captures the ABCs of assessment—affective, behavioral, and cognitive—
from the client in Scenario 5 in this week’s readings. See the following example before completing the
table that follows. The ABC information should be between 260 words combined.
Copyright © 2017, 2015, 2013 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
Assessing the Crisis
BSHS/445 Version 4
Client is a 20-year-old single Caucasian female. She reported feeling upset for the last two months since
her boyfriend broke up with her. Client appeared to be depressed, as evidenced by tearfulness during
the session. Client denied any suicidal or homicidal ideation (SI/HI) and reported no past history of
danger to self or others (DTS/DTO).
Client was asked if there have been times in the past that she felt this way. She stated the last time she
felt like this was a year ago when she failed her math final. This writer explored strategies with the client
that helped the last time she felt this way. The client reported that she has been able to get a lot of
assistance from talking with her friends and running. She stated her friends are very supportive and that
running helps her feel better about herself. Client agreed that if she continued feeling this way over the
next 24 hours, she would call her best friend and go for a run.
Client appeared to be clear and logical in her thinking. Client denied any auditory or visual hallucinations
(AH/VH) or delusions. She was future-oriented and has a plan in place if she does not start feeling
*A progress note is a note used to document interaction with a client. A good example of a common
process note is a SOAP note. Many agencies use the SOAP note to document contact with clients. SOAP
notes refer to the following type of assessment: subjective, objective, assessment, and plan.
Copyright © 2017, 2015, 2013 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

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