Business Statistic

Linear Regression Analysis

Terry Downes owns a commercial cleaning company. He has conducted a survey of customers to determine how satisfied they are with the work performed. He devised a 100-point rating scale—with 0 being poor and 100 being excellent service, selected a random sample of 14 customers, and asked them to rate the service. He also recorded the number of worker hours spent in the customer’s facility. These are in the file named Downes.
Use Excel to complete the following:

  1. Develop a scatter plot showing the variables, rate of service and worker hours, with the y variable on the vertical axis and the x variable on the horizontal axis, and indicating the type of relationship.
  2. Develop a linear regression model to explain the variation in the service rating.
  3. Use Word to complete the following:
  4. Describe the model, showing the results of the pertinent hypothesis tests, using a significance level of 0.10.
  5. Submit your work in a Word document and attach your Excel file.
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