Case Study Analysis

Main task

Task 2.1 is a comprehensive case study covering all key concepts covered over the first half of the semester.

Students will need to apply tools for planning, and strategy. They are also expected to properly elaborate on financial indicators, and utilize financial records to interpret a company’s profitability, liquidity, current and future status.

They should also provide recommendation for the company moving into the future. Students are required to provide all their calculations used in the assessment.
The case study “Amazon Inc.” will be supplied in files.


Your submission must meet the following formatting requirements:

  • Submit one file(s) only.
  • Required file format for main submission: PDF.
  • Additional file format for additional deliverables: Not applicable.
  • Additional file requirements: “None”.
    Other details:
  • Font size 12
  • Double-spaced
  • Number of words: 2,000 – 2,500
    All refencing and citations require Harvard referencing style. LEARNING OUTCOMES
  • Identify industry factors that impact organizational operations
  • Contextualize the business environment
  • Analyze the financial condition of the organization and provided explanation of any outliers
  • Prescribe a corporate strategy based on your findings, and provide commentary to support your
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Pages (275 words)
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