Emergency Management Risk Management

Risk management informs the emergency planning process by identifying critical hazards and threats for which planning is needed. Several methods of identifying risk have been presented (p. 117). Based on this week’s reading, describe the process by which you would conduct a THIRA (utilizing the FEMA THIRA guidance) for your hometown, including the members of […]


It is important to determine what assets in the community will be affected by a natural or manmade hazard. Respond to the following questions in your paper this week: Questions:  · Determine the assets in a community or state that would be affected by a hazard. · Discuss your findings and how you would rank […]

Hazard Mitigation, FEMA Worksheet

Communities use the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) process to identify and prioritize hazards and threats, targets, and resource requirements. Use the three step THIRA process to identify the targets in your community.

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