CC Fast and Furious Research for Your Film Analysis Paper

I created this tutorial for you as an overview of using the college library to find supporting research for your Film Analysis Paper. I usually do an in-class tutorial for my on campus classes, so this is my attempt for online classes.

In order to receive the points for this Assignment, please follow the instructions below:

  • View the Research Database Tutorial Slide Show
  • Log into your Library Account (same log-in as CANVAS)
  • Complete a search that pertains to your Film Analysis research paper
  • Navigate back to this Module 8.6
  • Submit a sentence stating you completed a search, and include the search terms you used in your search.
  • Research Database Tutorial
    Go to the Grossmont College website:
    Click on “Quick Links”
    Click on “Library”
    This will bring you to the Library main page
    Click on “Databases”
    You will see a list of 59 databases. These are all the databases
    Grossmont has purchased access for you to use. For CCS/SOC, I
    find that “Academic Search Premier” provides many quality
    articles. Click on “Academic Search Premier.”
    You will be required to log on using your Grossmont credentials
    Once you are logged in, you will see the EBSCOhost search page
    Type in a search phrase. For example, if you were to analyze Fast
    and the Furious, you might research “street racing.”
    You can see this search resulted in 2,107 articles – WOW!
    However, we need to filter for full text and scholarly articles (see
    next slide)
    Make sure you have selected “Full Text” and “Scholarly (Peer
    Reviewed) Journals” on the left side; now a more manageable 76
    Then, you will read the abstracts of the articles that seem to be
    connected to your Film and the Assignment. The purpose of
    including peer-reviewed articles is to find support for your
    For example, using Fast and the Furious, I want to discuss the role
    of masculinity in street racing. I would read the article below to
    find support to my analysis of the film that street racing is a
    manifestation of masculinity.
    In order to read the full text of this article, I need to click “PDF Full
    The full text will appear, and I can read/download it:
    In my Film Analysis Paper, I would have a paragraph addressing
    Question 3 that reads something like this:
    In the film, masculinity is displayed by [insert example from film;
    this example is likely a several sentences long]. Masculinity is
    defined as [definition from a source, possibly Griffiths et al] (MLA
    citation). In the article “Spectacles of Speed” by Marston (2015),
    the author discusses masculinity and auto racing. Specifically
    applicable to the film, auto racing and masculinity are connected
    [insert example from Marston].

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