Central Michigan University Theatre in the United States Discussion

Module 12 Essay Response

Read the following American Theatre article, “

Think About the Children: When Theatres Cross the Line

” by Emma Halpern. In 500-1000 words, respond to the following:

  1. Summarize the main idea of this article.
  2. What reasons does the article give for why Theatre for Young Audiences (TYA) in America faces more pushback regarding content than it may in other countries?
  3. Do you believe that TYA should be a “direct response to what is happening in the world,” or that TYA should allow “children to be children for as long as possible?”
  4. What challenging, or mature, content would you be interested to see portrayed in a TYA performance? Is there a “line” that TYA should not cross, or do you believe any subject can be approached in TYA?

Remember, your essay will be evaluated for both content and quality of writing. Your essay will be scored based on the following:

  • a central idea or thesis (1 point)
  • adequate support for that idea (1 point)
  • clear and logical organization (1 point)
  • awareness for the conventions of standard written English (1 point)
  • proper formatting (1 point)
  • quality of response to essay prompt (5 points)

Formatting: Please use: size twelve, Times New Roman, double-spaced text; one-inch margins; a heading including name, date, course title, instructor name, and word count; a title; and a works cited page. Please use MLA formatting for parenthetical citations and your works cited.

*please follow the rubric and I will provide the essay templet in order have an example of how the essay should be structured like and please watch the video that explains some requirements that need to be in the essay and info which will help you writing and structuring the essay


Your last name 1
Your Name
Course Title
Instructor Name
Word Count: XXX
Title (be specific and creative!)
Type the body of your paper here. Remember to include a clear introduction with a thesis
statement at the end of it. Use paragraphs to structure the body, and conclusion of your paper.
Remember to use supporting details. Make sure you are fully addressing the essay prompt!
Note that the paper is formatted using Times New Roman, size twelve font, and double
spaced throughout. This includes the heading and works cited page.
Your works cited should begin on a new page. Even if you do not include any additional
sources, you should still cite the work you are responding to in the essay (for example, if you
were asked to read a play, that play should be included in your works cited). Purdue’s Online
Writing Lab is a great resource for MLA formatting requirements. See the following page for an
Your last name 2
Works Cited
(Example for a play)
Author last name, First name. Play. Publisher, Year.
Hansberry, Lorraine. A Raisin in the Sun. Random House, 1997.
(Example for an online article)
Author last name, First name. “Title.” Website, Date of publication, URL. Accessed date.
Lundman, Susan. “How to Make Vegetarian Chili.” eHow, 2014,
www.ehow.com/how_10727_make-vegetarian-chili.html. Accessed 6 July 2015.
(Example for a YouTube video)
Author(s) or screen name. “Video title.” YouTube, Date of publication, URL.
Bialik, Mayim. “The Life Changing Magic of Detective Pikachu.” YouTube, 13 June 2019,

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