Central Texas College SPSS Worksheet



SPSS Assignment Lesson 25: Conducting a One-Way ANOVA
The goals of this SPSS assignment are for students to work with data sets in SPSS, conduct a one-way
analysis of variance on the data, identify results of the analyses on SPSS output, and correctly interpret
these results. To achieve these goals, students will perform the computations outlined in selected Lessons
of the Green and Salkind (2017) textbook in SPSS and will label their output for submission.
or this assignment, students will perform the SPSS analyses that are described in Lesson 25 of the Green
and Salkind text. As instructed in the text, students are to download the “Lesson 25 Data File 1” and
complete each analysis as explained in the text.
Students are to follow along with the step-by-step instructions provided in Lesson 25 and perform each
analysis in SPSS. After performing the one-way analysis of variance in SPSS as stated in the text, copy
the SPSS output file and paste it into a Word document. Save the Word document to your own external
media (e.g., flash drive) if you are working on a University computer, or save the Word document to your
own computer’s hard drive even if you have SPSS installed on your computer. By saving your output file
as a Word document (and data file as an Excel file, see Lesson 6), you can finalize your assignment and
view your work even when you do not have access to a computer with SPSS (e.g., when working on a
University computer then finishing the assignment at home, when checking your grades on a different
computer, in later semesters when you need to remember how to read SPSS output but your SPSS license
has expired, when traveling during the semester).
After saving the SPSS output to Word, insert text boxes on the output beside each analysis requested
below. Draw a line connecting the text box to the specific SPSS data point you are labeling. Inside each
text box, label the relevant output using the number and wording as stated below. For example, on your
Word document of SPSS output, next to the descriptive statistics data boxes, label the appropriate output
with a textbox that reads “1.
Mean cold symptoms for participants given no vitamin C (placebo)
” and so
on for each analysis requested.
On your SPSS output, insert a textbox next to each element in the output and label the following
information. Each element is worth two (2) points apiece. Combined, all elements total 20 points for the
1. Mean cold symptoms for participants given no vitamin C (placebo)2.
Mean cold symptoms for participants given low doses of vitamin C
Mean cold symptoms for participants given high doses of vitamin C
Probability that the variances among all groups are equal
F value for ‘group’6.
p value for ‘group’ 7.
Effect size index for ‘group’
Insert a textbox at the bottom of your output and explain each of the following points.
Given the results of the post hoc tests, write a one-sentence explanation of the difference between
placebo and low vitamin C dose groups. Be sure to state which group reported fewer cold
symptoms and include the mean cold symptoms reported for each group.9.
Given the results of the post hoc tests, write a one-sentence explanation of the difference between
placebo and high vitamin C dose groups. Be sure to state which group reported fewer cold
symptoms and include the mean cold symptoms reported for each group.10.
Given the results of the post hoc tests, write a one-sentence explanation of the difference between
low vitamin C and high vitamin C dose groups. Though the means are not identical, be sure to
explain why you cannot claim that the groups are different.

After you have labeled your output as requested above, save the Word document again and submit the
Word document that includes the labeled output as an Assignment. Only Word documents that have been
appropriately labeled will be accepted for credit.
Word documents that are not labeled will not receive credit. Without labels, there is no evidence that
students have examined the output, and there is no evidence that students can interpret the output. To
meet the goals of this assignment as stated above, it is not sufficient that students are able to generate
SPSS output. Numbers and tables on a page are meaningless unless one knows how to interpret them
properly. Thus, unlabeled submissions will not receive credit.
Likewise, labels that are not clearly linked to a specific data point on the SPSS output will not receive
credit. I allow flexibility in linking labels to output. Students may insert lines connecting the label and
data point (preferred), or students may use color coding to identify which label belongs with which data
point (i.e., use the same color of highlighting for a label and its output, then use a different color of
highlighting for another label and its data point). As long as your work is easy to read and clearly labeled,
I will accept a variety of “design choices.” Therefore, feel free to be creative and make a document that
will best help you now and in the future. However, I will not credit work I cannot read, so be sure your
lines are not overlapping or convoluted and be sure your color choices are not so dark that they obscure
the text and so on… Though I allow flexibility in linking labels with output, I will not scroll through a
document looking for a label or data point. Thus, the textbox must be inserted next to, or at minimum, on
the same screen as the output box. Feel free to develop a labeling technique that works for you; just be
sure it can be easily and unambiguously understood at first glance.
Finally, do not submit SPSS output files even if they are labeled. You will be unable to open these files
without the SPSS program, making them potentially unhelpful to you in the future (e.g., when reviewing
for your exit exam). Save the SPSS output as a Word file so you will be able to reference the information
at a later date regardless of your access to SPSS

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