Challenges and Strategies for Researching Scholarly Articles

There are often two primary challenges when researching a problem: an overabundance of articles that result from the search process, or very few articles that result from the search process. Search strategies involve specific keywords so that your problem is the central focus of the articles that you find. The Walden University Library has helpful materials for how to search for your sources. The librarians are also available to answer your questions about finding the articles that you need. Since the Capstone Project is a research paper, nearly all of your sources should be peer-reviewed articles.  One simple way to research peer-reviewed articles is to check this box when creating a search in the Walden University Library. For this Discussion you will explain some of the challenges or strategies that you used in your search for scholarly articles.

To prepare:

Review the Learning Resources regarding critically analyzing and evaluating sources.

Begin to identify mostly current peer-reviewed journal articles.

Posta description of your efforts to identify relevant scholarly articles about your Capstone problem; explain the challenges that you encountered in your search process. Also explain what resources, tips, or organizational advice you have for others with this process.

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