COM 2080 Florida State University Illusion of Knowledge Discussion

The theme for Blog 1 is “ the greatest enemy of the knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of the knowledge”by Daniel J. Boorstin.

The emphasis of this week’s readings is acquiring, evaluating and synthesizing information from diverse online sources. In writing a blog, utilize at leat 3 readings from this week. Be sure to provide a reference of that reading. You can also use any other resources but be sure to always provide a reference.

I am not giving you a specific question. Instead, you have a theme to respond to. Leave it to your imaginations and creativity. This Discussion could be of any type: tips, suggestions, imaginations, experience, examples from real life. But whatever you write, it should be original (your own idea), creative (pictures, cartoons), interesting, and based or reflecting on this week’s readings…. And do not forget the theme!!


1) Blog posts need to be 300-400 words.

2) In the title of the Discussion write your last name and Blog 1 e.g. “Bennett – Blog 1”

Readings to use:

“Lewis and Clark County Montana, “Socializing Online”

Huffington Post, “seven ways to communicate online without sounding like a jerk”,

O’Hair, D.,Rubenstein, H., Stewart, R. “Part 1 Getting Started, Section 3 Managing Speech Anxiety, pp 13-20; Part 2 Development, Section 6 Analyzing the Audience, p. 34-44; Part 5 Delivery, Section 17 Your Voice in Delivery, pp 129-134,” in A Pocket Guide to Public Speaking, Bedford/St. Martens: Boston, 2016.

The Perfect Elevator Pitch to Land a Job. (2013)

(Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)How to Perfect the Elevator Pitch. (2010)

Criteria to Evaluate the Credibility of WWW Resources (1998). Virginia Montecino. (Links to an external site.)

Evaluating Internet Sources (2012). University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

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