Comparing the development of cote d’ivoire aka Ivory coast and Japon

Thinking through this outline generates a collaborative process between you and your professor as you move into the Signature Assignment. Your professor can help you visualize the direction of your, and then provide feedback.

An outline is a framework for  and is an effective way to begin planning the main topics and subtopics that will be included in an assignment. An outline contains only the most important information in brief statements. Please check into writing resources or your professor if you struggle with creating an outline.

Complete the Spotlight on Skills located in Week 10’s introduction, if you need assistance with the tools used to complete your assignment.

The first step is to decide on a classical model that you would like to learn more about.

  • Strategic
  • Structural
  • Symbolic Experiential
  • Human Validation Process
  • Emotion Focused Therapy
  • Bowen Intergenerational
  • Contextual
  • Psychoanalytic Family Therapy
  • Cognitive-Behavioral Family Therapy

Then, explore the assignment expectations for next week. Create an outline that highlights the points that you intend to bring to your next week. Additionally, include a listing of references (including the two or more supplemental references that you will use).

Length: 2-4

References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources.

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