CSUN AD 6 Motivation Questions

Answer the 3 questions using the article provided.


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Assignment Details
MATH 136A – Statistics A #3291 – Spring 2022
Mar 28, 2022 at 5:56 PM
• The initial post is due by Saturday (4/2) at 11:59 PM
● Peer replies are due by Monday (4/4) at 11:59 PM
Initial Post
Please read the following article:
For your initial post, please respond to the following prompts:
1. List and define the different types of motivation.
2. What is the point of the article? Are you surprised by this?
3. Provide an example from your own life that supports the
thesis of this article.
Initial Post: Due by Saturday (4/2) at 11:59 PM.
Peer Response
• Once you have posted your initial post, responding to the
prompts above, please identify at least two classmates
that you would like to respond to.

Please try to respond to students who have not had
responses to their initial posts. We want to make sure
everyone in this discussion feels included!
For your responses to your classmates, please include the
Discuss any commonalities that you have with these
classmates. Do you have similar examples? Do you have
any advice?
Your responses are due by Monday (4/4) at 11:59 PM.
To view the grading rubric for this discussion board, select the
Options icon (three dots), then select “Show Rubric.” Please
note, if viewing the course via the Canvas mobile app, the rubric
does not appear on this page.
View Discussion
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