CUNY Brooklyn College Covid 19 Affects Discussion

8:51 1X NYC College of Technology – Final E…
NYC College of Technology – Final Exam Part…
The global Covid-19 Pandemic has affected all of us, men,
women, children, the elderly, in a myriad of ways…
Among these ways, are the very critical physical, mental-
emotional, social, economic, and for many of us, we have
experienced serious illness, and the deaths of family and close
friends… creating huge voids in our cultural grieving traditions,
and many, many serious issues in a short span of time…and this
is not over yet…
In a well-planned, written Essay, select at least three (3) of
the above adverse effects of this Pandemic, or any other
adverse effects that you have experienced, and describe how
these have affected your life, and how you have managed to
somehow continue with the activities of life and living…
1- Plan your Essay, using an Outline…the Outline will focus
on and reflect what you will discuss in your Essay…the
Outline is on a separate page and included with the
completed Essay…remember that paragraphing,
grammar, spelling, and punctuation, all count…
2- First paragraph – write an introductory, “opening
statement” to your Essay…
3- Second paragraph – name and discuss one of the adverse
effects that you have selected…
4- Third paragraph – name and discuss the next adverse
effect that you have selected…
5- Fourth paragraph – name and discuss any other adverse
effect on you and your family…
6- Fifth paragraph – write a “closing statement” addressing
and discussing, how you envision moving forward past this
7- The Essay is to be saved as a Word.doc and submitted
in the designated Final Exam Part 1 – Essay Submission
Board…on or before the due date listed on the
Submission Board…
8- Follow the instructions, and you will cover all the required
topics and sections…you will have all your required
paragraphs, and you will do well! Read, and re-read the

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