DH 327 SMC W13 How Nitrous Oxide Oxygen Sedation Works Lab Report

Week 13 – LAB: Anatomy & Physiology of Respiration (How Nitrous Oxide-Oxygen Sedation Works)

By week 13 (Wedensay 5/5/21), reading of Clark & Brunick chapters 1 – 13should be complete.

Pre- Assignment :

  • Re-read Chapter 8: page 78 -89


  1. Create an information sheet (using the template in bullet #2)Construct the process/route of inhalation sedation using Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Sedation
  2. Please use this template: Anatomy and Physiology of Respiration (homework).docxActions
  3. Each information sheet must include all of the anatomical components/criteria listed on the sheetYou may not add or remove components/criteria
  4. All information must be in bullet formatNo paragraphs please
  5. All items must be typed No handwritten work will be acceptedPlease cut and past directly to the submission box
  6. All items must have references a textbook page, and an item number from that page when applicable
  7. For each anatomical component/criteria (headings), please include the following information: What is it? What does it do? / How does it work?What is the significance to Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Sedation? What element or item, pertaining to the particular component/criteria do you feel is specifically important to know?

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