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Topic: There are 3 parts to this forum; the Push-Pull Marketing, Product Advertising, Customer-oriented Sales Promotions
Part 1 – The Push-Pull Marketing Strategy
•Write a brief paragraph, in your own words, that defines the concept of both the push channel strategy and the pull channel strategy.
•Write a brief paragraph that cites a real company that would use both the push strategy and the pull channel strategy.
•Write a brief paragraph, in your own words, stating which strategy you believe is the more effective strategy usually and your rationale for making that statement.
Part 2 – There are 3 basic forms of Product Advertising.
•Locate a print advertisement (magazines, newspapers, direct mail, etc.) that has a special appeal to you personally.
•Write a comprehensive description of that advertisement so that your classmates can easily visualize it.
•Cite the publication source of the advertisement and the date it was published.
•Define how many of the three forms this advertisement fulfills.
•Describe, in your own words, why you believe this advertisement is effective on you and potentially others in the marketplace.
Part 3 – There are 10 tools listed in your textbook as Customer-oriented Sales promotions. Only two of these tools, coupons and rebates, are being considered for this assignment.
•Write a brief paragraph describing, in your own words, the concept of coupons as a sales promotion tool, and provide an example within your paragraph of a company that uses coupons.
•Write a brief paragraph describing, in your own words, the concept of rebates as a sales promotion tool, and provide an example within your paragraph of a company that uses rebates.
•Write a comprehensive paragraph that compares the pros and cons of the 2 sales promotion tools from your perspective; include a statement as to which of the sales promotional tools appeals to you more, and state your rationale for that choice.

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