Discussion Post Advanced Theory and Techniques of Counseling

DB 4.1 – Integrative Therapy

Advocates of learning a single form of therapy in depth and conceptualizing and treating clients from one model have accused integrative approaches of creating therapists who are jacks of all trades but masters of none. First, summarize the 4 types of integrative psychotherapies discussed in your text and their basic concepts. Next, discuss the pros and cons of in-depth use of one form of therapy versus a breadth-based use of multiple forms of therapy. Be sure to support your ideas with examples.

DB 4.2 – Case study: Jennifer

After reviewing the required video on the

Unit 4

page, please see below:

Jennifer, age 29, describes worrying, always been a worrier about numerous concerns with her husband and children and how she is dressed. She reports in the past worries now often and endure much longer than in the past, worrying every day. She worries about the health of everyone in her family, severe worrying that makes her shake. She feels like crying from so much worrying. The worries feel intense although the true events are not severe. She collapses on the couch from worrying, staying there for hours or she will pace, which does not help the worrying but lets out energy. She has not gone to the office for nine months, after worrying about the computers, the phone, the papers, becoming “paralyzed.” She worries now she will lose her job. This is the first time her worrying has been this severe. The worries are unfounded since everyone is in good health and finances are good. She reports her anxiety frustrates her husband. Her medical doctor did not find any health problems and she is not on medications and does not use drugs. Her friends no longer ask her out due to her anxiety. She denies panic attacks. She reports she is exhausted and has poor concentration.

Imagine that you are Jennifer’s therapist and you take an integrative approach to therapy. How would you approach Jennifer’s treatment taking into account at least 2 of the six considerations mentioned in the reading? What are some applicable interventions or skills you would use during the process of clinical assessment and treatment using integrative psychotherapies with this case? Please use examples to demonstrate further.

Material for unit 4:

Unit 4

Unit 4 Introduction

Unit 4 IntroductionRivalry among theoretical orientations has a long and undistinguished history in psychotherapy dating back to Freud. Clinicians traditionally operated from within their own theoretical frameworks, often to the point of being blind to alternative conceptualizations and potentially superior interventions. As the field of psychotherapy has matured, integration has emerged as a mainstay. Clinicians now acknowledge the inadequacies and potential value in every theoretical system. Psychotherapy integration is characterized by dissatisfaction with single-school approaches and a concomitant desire to look across school boundaries to see how patients can benefit from other ways of conducting psychotherapy. Although various labels are applied to this movement—integration, eclecticism, treatment adaptation, responsiveness, prescriptive therapy, matching—the goals are similar. The ultimate goal is to enhance the efficacy and applicability of psychotherapy by crosscutting perspectives. This week we will talk more about this as we explore integrative therapies.Objectives:

Discuss types of integrative therapies and how it differs from single forms of therapy.

Assess the principles of integrative psychotherapy as demonstrated through a case example.


Read, view, and engage with Readings and Resources.

Actively participate in the Unit Discussion(s).

Complete and submit Quiz #1

Readings and ResourcesReadings and ResourcesTextbook or eBook:Mendoza, D. W. (1993). A Review of Gerald Caplan’s Theory and Practice of Mental Health Consultation. Journal of Counseling & Development, 71(6), 629–635. https://doi-org.postu.idm.oclc.org/10.1002/j.1556-6676.1993.tb02252.x (will assist you with your second reaction paper due in Unit 5)


Wedding, D. & Corsini, R. J. (Eds.). (2019). Current psychotherapies(11th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage.

Chapter 14: Integrative Psychotherapies

Articles, Websites, and Videos:Symptom Media video for your 4.3 discussion board case study of Jennifer. Be sure to have your Post University library card number ready to access this required film.

Jennifer, Core Video: Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Part 1

[Film]. (2021). Symptom Media.

Supplemental Resources:Chapter 14 PowerPoints.


Ch14 – Alternative Formats


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