Discussion: Professional Organizations

Discussion: Professional Organizations

Regardless of your Program of Study or specialization, there exist professional organizations that offer resources, services, and opportunities for professional growth. Many professional organizations offer a discounted member rate to students and offer opportunities for students to be involved in various leadership roles. Prospective employers look for memberships to professional organizations, because it shows that an applicant is committed to the field and engaged in current issues and developments.

In this Discussion, you will select a professional organization that applies to your future profession and analyze the benefits of joining the organization.

To prepare for this Discussion:

Review the professional organizations listed in the Learning Resources.

Research additional professional organizations that might apply to your career goals.

Explore some of the professional organizations’ sections, events, resources, publications, and educational opportunities that might help you develop professionally as well as contribute to the field.

  • By Day 4
  • Post a comprehensive response to the following:
  • Which professional organization(s) appeal(s) most to you and why? Include the name of the organization, the URL to its home page, and a brief summary of the purpose of the organization. (Note: You can choose organizations that are not listed in the Learning Resources.)
  • In what ways would joining the selected organization(s) help you to develop professionally as well as contribute to the field? Explain.

    Why should you consider membership in this organization as a scholar-practitioner and social change agent?

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