ECE 624 Ashford University Educating Boys and Gender Differences Discussion

At an age where learning is accelerated in the classroom and more is expected of our students, boys are struggling to meet the expectations set forth in contemporary schooling. In fact, “Boys are 30 percent more likely than girls to flunk or drop out of school” (PBS, n.d.). As early childhood sets the stage for learning, which can have a tremendous influence in starting all children out on the right path, it is important that early childhood educators and leaders in the field understand the unique needs of each and every child that enters our classroom. Part of being a 21st-century educator encompasses meeting the needs of all children in our care and exhibiting an anti-sexist approach to teaching. For this discussion we will take a closer look at how to specifically meet the needs of boys in our classrooms.

Initial Post:

  • View the video Gaming to re-engage boys in learning (Links to an external site.) and read the article “Educating Boys for Success (Links to an external site.)”.
  • Compare and contrast scholarly research on this topic. Find one recent (within 5 years) peer reviewed scholarly article in the Ashford University Library on the topic of boys in schools. In at least a paragraph, compare the article’s findings to both the video and the article, “Understanding and Raising Boys.” What information is supported in all three resources? Are any facts refuted? How do these resources either support or refute your stance on this topic?
  • Reflect on your personal views and experiences with this topic. How will your experiences and views have a positive impact on your work with children and/or teachers in your career? What adjustments might you have to make after further researching this topic? How will you uphold best practices and ethical conduct for teaching boys in the classroom?
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