Employment Law

TOPIC Collective bargaining. Explore areas that interest you and for you to explain them in more depth to help others understand them.

highlight and explore five different areas of collective bargaining. One of the five areas you must cover is an overview of the types of collective bargaining subject matter (mandatory, permissive, and illegal). The remaining four areas are up to your choosing.

You should be creative in how you demonstrate your knowledge about the areas you choose. You can employ graphics or PowerPoint slides, case law, hypothetical scenarios, interviews, or any other method in which you can engage your audience and accomplish the requirements of the project.

The format is up to you. You can choose one area and highlight different processes in collective bargaining (i.e., duty to bargain, tasks involved, administration, enforcement)  or each area can be an entirely different aspect of collective bargaining (i.e., picketing, strikers, unions, enforcement.).


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