Florida National University My Passion Reflection Essay

Choose from one of the following topics, and write at least three paragraphs. Make sure you revise your paper carefully. Check for sentence fragments, comma splices, fused sentences, misplaced and dangling modifiers, and faulty parallelism. You must submit your work in a word document using APA style. Refer to the video on how to create a title page, and citations posted in class.

1.Write about your life goals.

To answer this prompt, go beyond the generic career and family goals. Try to answer things with a personal spin — maybe talk about goals you have for yourself as a person (e.g., to be more kind) or something unique you want to check off your bucket list!

2.Write about your most embarrassing moment and how you learned from it.

This is a great opportunity to get creative and share a funny experience! Try transitioning the experience into a more serious explanation of how it changed you — for example, maybe it encouraged you to be more considerate toward others’ feelings.

3.Describe something you’re passionate about. How do you learn more about it? What makes it so appealing?

This is the perfect essay to set yourself apart from other applicants. Talk about that thing you love, that obscure topic you’re an expert about — anything, as long as your passion shines through in your writing!

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