Following completion of your weekly readings, complete the exercises in the “Projects” section on page 397 of Mathematics in Our…

Following completion of your weekly readings, complete the exercises in the “Projects” section on page 397 of Mathematics in Our World.

You should be concise in your reasoning. For Project #1, work only equations (a) and (c), but complete all 6 steps (a-f) as shown in the example.
For Project #2, please select at least five numbers; 0 (zero), two even, and two odd. Make sure you organize your paper into separate projects.

The assignment must include (a) all math work required to answer the problems as well as (b) introduction and conclusion paragraphs.
Your introduction should include three to five sentences of general information about the topic at hand.
The body must contain a restatement of the problems and all math work, including the steps and formulas used to solve the problems.
Your conclusion must comprise a summary of the problems and the reason you selected a particular method to solve them. It would also be appropriate to include a statement as to what you learned and how you will apply the knowledge gained in this exercise to real-world situations.
The assignment must be formatted according the APA (6th edition) style, which includes a title page and reference page. For information regarding APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar, in your online course

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