FSU Gender Invisibility in Congress Discussion

Assignment Details
(SYD3800-0001.sp22) Sociology of Sex and Gender
As you read this week, the state is “gendered,” meaning that the
various institutions providing a system of power and authority are
shaped by cultural constructions of gender – that is, definitions of
what it means to be a woman or man. One of these gendered
institutions is the law. Gender, in particular inequality between
women and men, gives rise to some of the issues addressed by
legislation (for example, violence against women or unequal pay).
Gender also influences the responses to issues in the form of the
bills you are reading. Gender also can produce different
consequences of legislation for women and men, with some of
these differences quite easy to see and others less visible.
For this discussion, you’ll be examining legislation recently
considered by the U.S. Congress. Go to www.congress.gov.
Search on a topic of interest or just peruse some of the bills,
resolutions, or amendments considered by the current (117th)
Congress (either the House or the Senate). You’ll find some by
searching on obvious topics like contraception, abortion, equal
pay, or sexual assault. But you can also look for a bill that doesn’t
reference gender so directly. For example, you might find a bill
addressing an issue that you see as clearly shaped by gender, but
the implications of it haven’t really been dealt with in the bill. Or
you might find a bill that could have different effects on the lives of
women versus men (or girls versus boys), but this variation isn’t
dealt with in the bill. After you select a bill, resolution, or
amendment that addresses, in some way, gender inequality,
answer these questions.
1. (80 points) How does this bill reflect gender in the U.S. in
2021? Here are questions to get you thinking critically.
Some may be more relevant to your bill than others.
1. What issue does the bill address? Thinking about
what you’ve learned about gender’s impact on many
realms of social life, why does this issue exist?
2. Why is the issue being addressed – and in this way
rather than others? What does this explanation say
about gender in our society?
3. How does the bill reflect assumptions about women
and/or men? How explicit are these assumptions in
the bill?
4. Does the bill have different implications for women
and men? If so, describe them.
5. Be sure to think about what the bill does, and does
not, mention. Your bill might deal with an issue with
gender relevance, but it might not be fully
tod What
of the less visible wave
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Assignment Details
(SYD3800-0001.sp22) Sociology of Sex and Gender
For this discussion, you’ll be examining legislation recently
considered by the U.S. Congress. Go to www.congress.gov.
Search on a topic of interest or just peruse some of the bills,
resolutions, or amendments considered by the current (117th)
Congress (either the House or the Senate). You’ll find some by
searching on obvious topics like contraception, abortion, equal
pay, or sexual assault. But you can also look for a bill that doesn’t
reference gender so directly. For example, you might find a bill
addressing an issue that you see as clearly shaped by gender, but
the implications of it haven’t really been dealt with in the bill. Or
you might find a bill that could have different effects on the lives of
women versus men (or girls versus boys), but this variation isn’t
dealt with in the bill. After you select a bill, resolution, or
amendment that addresses, in some way, gender inequality,
answer these questions.
1. (80 points) How does this bill reflect gender in the U.S. in
2021? Here are questions to get you thinking critically.
Some may be more relevant to your bill than others.
1. What issue does the bill address? Thinking about
what you’ve learned about gender’s impact on many
realms of social life, why does this issue exist?
2. Why is the issue being addressed – and in this way
rather than others? What does this explanation say
about gender in our society?
3. How does the bill reflect assumptions about women
and/or men? How explicit are these assumptions in
the bill?
4. Does the bill have different implications for women
and men? If so, describe them.
5. Be sure to think about what the bill does, and does
not, mention. Your bill might deal with an issue with
gender relevance, but it might not be fully
appreciated. What are some of the less visible ways
that gender is shaping the bill and/or its likely
2. (20 points) Be sure to respond to at least one other
participant’s post.
**You are free to analyze a bill considered by Florida’s Senate or
House rather than the U.S. Congress, if you wish! The sites are
www.flsenate.gov and www.myfloridahouse.gov
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