GC Health Problem Policy Reduction of Drug & Substance Abuse PPT

POLICY: Does your project have laws or policies you can integrate? What policies impact your area of health interest? For example, smoking or helmet laws would be policies. Are there current initiatives (the HP site will tell you this). If so, mention those. You must mention something as public health measures always have something. DO NOT say “there is nothing”. If you cant think of anything, just Google “government initiatives for..(your problem)” or “laws relating to (your problem)” or “policy relating to (your problem)” . I guarantee there is something.

FUNDING: How will you pay for your program? Can you think of a creative way to get money? An agency that is synergystic? (Remember in D1 how I showed that drug use costs businesses money? Maybe I could lobby high drug use industries to help fund drug prevention or treatment programs.)

Does a company want goodwill? (A candy company donating to dental clinics) How could you lobby a legislator to pay for it? Is their state losing money on the problem? Convince them that spending some money up front will save money on the problem. You must include private sources (ie companies). Public money is not easy to get! Think of company that goes hand in hand with your cause.

Dont just say “I will get a grant from HP 2020” since that wont work! DONT COUNT ON GOVT SOURCES USE AT LEAST ONE PRIVATE SOURCE AS WELL. Do not name other Non-Profits-they don’t give away money either.

credit. CDC

Only TWO slides this week


Read these instructions, review the template and use my example to guide your work!

10 points: you must find at least one law, one policy and an initiative that impacts your problem.

10 points: name two funding sources with at least one private company that could help to pay for efforts in this area with creative ways to ask

Public Health & Reading
Catherine Brooks HED 201
A Public Health Approach: Healthy People Goal to Improve
Home Reading
Healthy People 2030
• Category: Children
• Initiative and number: EMC-02 Increase the proportion of children who’s
parents read to them at least 4 days per week
• Baseline: 58.3 percent of children aged 5 years and under had parents who
reported that someone in their family read to the child 4 or more days in the
past week in 2016-17
• Target: 63.2 %
Why Reading is Important
• Reading it is a learned tool for success though-out life, including health.
• Literacy is related to later health outcomes 1.
• Patients with low literacy had poorer health outcomes, including
knowledge, intermediate disease markers, measures of morbidity, general
health status, and use of health resources 1.
• Higher literacy is also related to better mental health 2
Data Source
• Data from the National Survey of Children’s Health
• Randomly selected US households
• Last data in 2018/19 was 59,963 homes

There was very little data on being read to, but a lot on reading, so this data is on
reading since we know that early reading leads to later literacy.
Summary on prevalence: Only 50% of parents read to their children.
Only 65% of adults read at a proficient level 3
45 million Americans are functionally illiterate and cannot read above a 6th grade
level 4
Gender: Moms are 50% more likely to read to their children than Dad
Location: More people report reading in urban areas than rural 6
One other interesting fact: Basic literacy by race 3:

White 76%
Blacks 47%%
Hispanic 54%
Asian 82%
Data Questions
• How does income relate to reading and being read to?
• Do other social issues impact this? For example, a history of abuse, foster
care or drug use in the family
• Do other social issues such as parent education level impact this?
Determinant Categories
• Policy: Yes. There are education laws that impact reading development.
• Social: Yes. There are differences in how much money a family makes and if
they learn to read.
• Health System: The health system does not impact reading, but later if you
don’t read you have worse health outcomes.
• Individual & Family Behavior: The number one SDoH predictor of learning
to read is if the mom reads 7.
• Biology/Genetics: Learning disabilities do impact the development of
Social Determinants
• Economics: Money is a big factor in reading. About 80% of children living in
economically disadvantaged communities will lose reading skills over
summer breaks due to a lack of access to books and other resources,
according to Reading Is Fundamental.
• Education: There are racial differences in access to language education.
Minorities are more likely to have lower performing schools so they children
read and learn less 8
• Health Care Access: Reading is not impacted by health care access but nonreaders are more likely to be uninsured so reading impacts health later 9
• Community/Home: 61% of low income families have no books at all in their
homes for their children 10
Primary Determinant Summary
• A Primary Determinant(s) for my problem is: If mom reads (behavior) and
if books are in the home (SDoH)
• A Secondary Determinant(s) for my problem is: Economics and Education
• Which determinant can I impact most with a program? Reading behavior
and access to books
• Why? It is hard to change the education system or give people money. It
would be easier to help families with reading and books
Intervention Statement & Description
• My intervention is: a book distribution program for low-income families
with children 0-6 years old
• It will entail: Ordering free books online or on an app for pre-kindergarten
kids. This will help since many kids like technology rewards too.
• Some details: Families can order one book at a time. When the the book is
done, there will be easy questions for the older (2-6 year olds) to answer like
“the main character is a dog or a cat? The app with have confetti bursts
when each book is done. They “win” a new book.
Determinant Integration & Rationale
• Determinants identified in my research are: Mom reading
and no books at home
• Why I picked this intervention (rationale): Mom
reading and no books at home is a big predictor of
literacy. Book distribution is cheaper and easier than
education programs and can be done at home
Potential Partners
• Partners: For partners, I will recruit Amazon to donate and ship books.
Publishers and authors could also be asked to donate. I will also ask libraries
for gently used books books.
• I will ask colleges that have teaching programs to make the questions up on
the app for each book.
• I will ask a local tech company to donate tine for writing the app and website
for us.
• Marketing: The program could be advertised via schools and MD offices. It
can also be advertised on social media sites that parents use.
• Laws: There are education laws in every state. Many people think the laws
are federal, but education is mostly run by each state
• Many of these laws can be found at https://www.ncsl.org/research/humanservices/early-care-education-2020-state-legislative-action-report.aspx
• Policies: The federal government has policy to help these laws. They can be
found here: https://www2.ed.gov/policy/landing.jhtml?src=ft
• For example, are policies about non-discrimination or “no child left behind”
that may give states money for education gains.
• Initiatives: A big initiative in reading is “Reading is Fundamental” a large
donator sponsored program to help reading.
• Funding Source 1: Amazon
• How would you convince them to help pay? Amazon supports many

charities. I could show them that since they deliver all over the US every
day, adding a few book drops would not cost them much money. Book
donations would be a tax write off.
Funding Source 2: Reading is Fundamental
How would you convince them to help pay? RIF sponsors many
programs. I would prepare a fun proposal that shows it helps the readers
as well as the college students that are helping with the app.
Funding Source 3: Tech companies such as Tik Tok, Instagram could be
approached to sponsor and maintain the app.
How would you convince them to help pay? Tik Tok and Instagram get a lot of
bad press due to challenges etc. This would be very good PR for them!

1 Dewalt DA, Berkman ND, Sheridan S, Lohr KN, Pignone MP. Literacy and health outcomes: a systematic review of the literature.
J Gen Intern Med. 2004;19(12):1228-1239. doi:10.1111/j.1525-1497.2004.40153.x
2. https://literacytrust.org.uk/research-services/research-reports/mental-wellbeing-reading-and-writing/
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literacy_in_the_United_States
4. https://literacyproj.org/2019/02/14/30-key-child-literacy-stats-parents-need-to-be-aware-of/
5. https://www.yahoo.com/news/who-reads-more-to-their-children-moms-or-dads-121122902457.html
6. https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2012/12/20/reading-habits-in-different-communities-2/
Pew Research Center. (2015, September 28). Modern Immigration Wave Brings 59 Million to U.S. Pew Research Center’s Hispanic Trends Project.
8. Schwab JF, Lew-Williams C. Language learning, socioeconomic status, and child-directed speech. Wiley Interdiscip Rev Cogn Sci.
2016;7(4):264-275. doi:10.1002/wcs.1393

9 Levy H, Janke A. Health Literacy and Access to Care. J Health Commun. 2016;21 Suppl 1(Suppl):43-50. doi:10.1080/10810730.2015.1131776

10 https://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp?pubid=96258

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