Glendale Community College Anthropology Question

Post a StudyFind a study on a topic that interests you. 1) Identify the study and briefly describe it. 2) Give one association made. 3) What type of observational study is it? Cross-sectional, Case-control or Cohort? 4) Critique the survey; any possible flaws? What could have been done better? 5) Include a link to the study. Sources of studies: Google Scholar, PubMed, CDC, YouTube channels that cite surveys on health, diet, exercise, etc.Here’s an example:

1) 2017 NHIS(National Health Interview Survey) from the NCHS(National Center for Health Statistics) This is a survey involving complementary medicine. Did the use of yoga, meditation and chiropractors change from 2012 to 2017?

2) In 2017, women were more likely to use yoga, meditation and chiropractors in the past 12 months than men. 3) Case-control study. Nationally representative household survey. 2012( n=34,525). 2017(n=26,742) 4) Robust survey with larger sample sizes. No visible flaws. Perhaps examine the actual questionnaire and how households were selected.


Statistics From the National Health Interview Survey | NCCIH (

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