Global Economic Competitiveness

Global Economic Competitiveness


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You must read the requirements first:

1. Please make sure you use your own words and provide detailed answers .

· For questions that are worth 10 points: aim your answers to a quarter of page.

· For questions that are worth 15 points and 20 points: aim your answers to at least half page and maximum one page.

· You do not need to provide any definitions.

· Your answers must be specific for the question right away!

· Unless otherwise specified and required, your answers must be based on the case only.

· Never simply say a yes or not but provide your reasons!


2. Please answer all the questions using this document.

· Formatting: Single space, Times New Roman, 12 font, 1″ margins.

This template is already formatted this way, so please do not change any formatting

You do not need to cite the case. No outside sources.



Read Zoom Video Communications: Flash in the Pandemic or Enduring Success and answer the questions:

1. Read the section “Evolution of the Videoconferencing Industry”: based on the information of the section, discuss the favorable factor conditions, demand conditions, and related & supporting industries that drove the evolution and growth of the videoconferencing industry and the unfavorable conditions that hindered the industry’s growth. (15 points) (Minimum half pages)

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2. Read the sections of “Yuan and Zoom” and “The COVID Pandemic and Zoom” and Exhibits 2 & 3: discuss Zoom’s competitive advantage at the beginning of COVID and how Zoom developed its product features and market to maintain its advantages. (10 points) (Minimum a quarter of pages)

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3. Based on the case, consider the four types of industry positioning: (1) cost leadership, (2) differentiation, (3) cost focus, and (4) differentiation focus, what strategies did Zoom pursue? Has Zoom’s positioning changed and if so, how? Please explain your answers. (10 points) (Minimum a quarter of pages)

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4. Let’s conduct the industry structure analysis of the videoconferencing industry: based on the case, describe the t hreats of the new entrance, threats of substitutes, and rivalry among the existing competitors. Discuss how Zoom should respond to these threats and keep its competitiveness. (20 points) (Minimum half of pages)

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5. Let’s conduct the industry structure analysis of the videoconferencing industry: based on the case, describe the bargaining power of suppliers and bargaining power of customers. Discuss how Zoom should respond to the powers of suppliers and/or customers and keep its competitiveness. (20 points) (Minimum half pages)

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6. In Lecture 4 we discussed the company’s global competition strategies: (1) international strategy, (2) multi-domestic strategy, (3) global strategy, and (4) trans-national strategy. In your opinion, which strategy does Zoom use to compete in the global market? In your opinion, has Zoom achieved success and competitiveness in the global market? Please explain your answers. (15 points) (Minimum half pages)

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7. After reading and discussing the Zoom case, discuss 3 things you have learned about running companies that will benefit your managerial career or start-up journey in the future. (15 points) (Minimum half pages)

Hint: I am looking for genuine answers and discussions on what you have learned in terms of running businesses – this should not be just knowledge or facts learned.

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