HIA 601 Bay Bridge Health Network Essay

Prior to completing this assignment refer back to HIA601 where youlearned about how the Five Pillars of Informatics guide the selection,implementation and sustained support of health information technologyplatforms in the health industry. Reflect on the various types ofinformatics solutions such as clinical provider order entry (CPOE)implementations, implementations of patient portals or upgrades ofpatient management systems addressed as individual project initiativesin HIA601 and compare the program in your team’s chosen IDN. As youexamine each of the projects in your team’s program, analyze how theseprojects will be implemented in tandem in order to best address thestated goals of the IDN. Consider the following: Are the systems beingimplemented in such a way that measurable and sustainable costreductions can be gained? Also, prior to beginning work on thisassignment, read Khandoobhai and Weber’s article “

Issues Facing Pharmacy Leaders in 2014 (Links to an external site.)

” (2014), the article “

Planning Evaluation Through the Program Life Cycle (Links to an external site.)

” by Scheirer et al (2012), and Wiliams et al article “

The Effect of Information Technology on Hospital Performance (Links to an external site.)

” ( 2016).For this week’s assignment, each groupwill select an IDN from the IDN scenarios below. Your group will take onthe role of the Program Management Office Director (PMOD). In thisrole, your group will create a program management plan that willencompass several projects. These projects are listed within each IDNScenario as “Informatics Implementation Projects.” You and each memberof your team will choose one Informatics Implementation Project, forwhich you will take on the role of Project Manager.You shouldnote that each Informatics Implementation Project reflects a significantinvestment for the organization. It’s the job of the PMOD (your group)to determine how each project and the program overall creates tangiblebenefits for the organization while controlling technology costs.Remember that while each project stands on its own as a discreteinformatics solution being implemented in the organization, thechallenge of the group is to assess the interrelationships andinterdependencies between these projects as they form an informaticsprogram.

I have to complete a Introduction and also a conclusion as well

Scenario my group has chosen is :

Option 1: Bay Bridge Health Network:

This integrateddelivery network is comprised of 5 hospitals and 20 physician practices,five long-term care facilities, two urgent service medical malls and aninsurance plan that covers 3 million covered lives in the San Franciscoarea. Strategic imperatives for this IDN include: 10% operational costreductions that are sustainable across business units and the expansionof market share through virtualization strategies to compete withstand-alone and retail urgent care competitors in the region.InformaticsImplementation Projects: Your individual project takes the form of aninitiative. Choose one from the list of informatics implementationinitiatives below

  • The part I have chosen out the project is #Describe how each project within the informatics program individually contributes to achieving the goals of the IDN
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