HLT 110 Tidewater Community College Exercise and Longevity Paper

HLT 110  Final Assignment- Worth 40 pts

Choose one of the topics below or choose your own. If you do choose your own email me first to get approval. You must include the topic and questions or areas of the topic you are going to research. Also include why you choose the particular topic.

Thoughts to get you started – our healthcare system does a great job managing illness and disease. What if we placed more emphasis on prevention and personal accountability for one’s health?


  • The American Heart Association and Diabetes association for the most part still promotes low fat diets and whole grains. However, low fat food is usually has added sugar and preservatives, Whole grains are not really ‘whole’ and again additives and sugar are present. Most of the time the grains are highly processed. What is behind this push and is there a “normal” diet that most people should follow?
  • Do you feel that increased portions in restaurants have contributed to the obesity epidemic? If so, how?
  • What role has the media (television, newspapers, magazines) played in the growing epidemic of obesity?
  • Explain why being thin is not equal to being healthy as most people believe.
  • Should restaurants be held legally liable for a customer’s health problems because of the type of food on the menu or the amount served?
  • Exercise and Longevity

  • What are the short and long-term benefits of exercise?
  • Why is making exercise of some sort a daily routine so important for longevity? What does the research say?
  • Exercise has very little to do with weight loss but can assist in maintaining weight. Why is this true?
  • What does the research say about continuous stressful exercises such as marathons or long-distance running? What impact does this have on one’s body long term?
  • Why should weight training be incorporated into a healthy routine?
  • Disease

  • How has the commercialization of prescription drugs changed the way we view the treatment of the disease?
  • What can be done to prevent the so-called “lifestyle” diseases? (Pick one of these: cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer, autoimmune diseases) By the way, according to research, these are often related.
  • How much accountability should we place on individuals for their own health?
  • What changes can you make to take steps toward prevention for your own health?
  • YOUR OWN HEALTH TOPIC? Write at least 5 questions to address and send to me for approval prior to getting started.

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